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Chinese Translation of a Document about Energy Use Performance Assessment

"The purpose of the energy use performance assessment is to determine the profile of energy use by end use and energy source, and the overall plant energy intensity. The energy use profile is based on an energy balance, which is calculated using the actual annual purchased energy amounts and the estimated energy used by equipment in the facility.
This questionnaire is used to obtain the necessary information to  provide indicators of plant energy intensity. and benchmark your company's technical best practice implementation. The results will assist your company in identifying energy efficiency opportunities prioritized by energy savings."
It is recommended that this assessment be filled out by personnel familiar with facility equipment. An accompanying auditor guide provides additional details on filling this document.
Complete all sections pertaining to your facility.
White cells require filling in. Light red cells show data, but can be overwritten. Blue cells cannot be overwritten.
Provide data for ONE facility only. If there is more than one facility, complete a separate survey for each facility.
This survey collects data on energy purchased and consumed for ONE year (12 consecutive months). Please ensure that the year reported in the first page of this survey is the same year used to evaluate all reported quantities and conditions. All reported quantities and conditions should be yearly averages(e.g. yearly average of operating hours of motors, yearly average of steam composition (temperature  and pressure) and so on.
Complete survey in order, since some cells 'auto fill' as you complete the sections.
Some equipment requires a restricted capacity rating e.g. kW. Please convert to the appropriate units.
If you do not have the equipment listed, indicate this at the beginning of each sheet.
If you have more equipment than there is space for please select the highest energy-consuming pieces of equipment.
"In parts B and C, you will be asked how many pieces of equipment are 'high efficient'. A description of what is considered high efficient is provided in the accompanying auditor guide. If it is not technically feasible (NTF) to have high efficient equipment, please input NTF into the appropriate cell.
Many of the cells have dropdown menus to specify a finite number of answers. Please select one of the entries to answer the question.
If none of the possibilities from the dropdown menu is appropriate, please highlight the section in yellow and indicate the correct answer as it applies to your facility in the notes below each section.
If you decide to print this workbook before filling it in electronically, print the sheet in 'landscape' orientation to fit data.
A confidentiality agreement is provided in a separate document
Tab Number Description
TA 1   Plant information
TA 2 A.1-A.4 Energy & production data
TA 3 A.5-A.8 Purchased & Recycled Water
TA 4 A.7 Wastes Produced
TA 5 A.8 Greenhouse Gases Produced
TA 6 B.1-B.3 Process Heating & Cooling
TA 7 B.4 Compression Systems
TA 8 B.5 Motor-related Systems
TA 9 B.6 Transport Systems
TA 10 C.1 Lighting
TA 11 C.2 HVAC Systems
TA 12 D.1-D.4 Other Processes
TA 13 E.1-E.3 Petrochemical Production
TA 21 F.1 Technical Best Practices for Other Plants
TA 22   Energy Balance
TA 23   Water Balance
TA 24   Conversion tables
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