The Ideal City Gallery will show examples of utopian cities from many different time periods from all over the world. Models, beautifull drawings and several films can be seen in this historical section. In this historical context the city of Hangzhou is presented as a giant interactive audio-visual projection on the floor. Visitors can walk over it and can intervene and test certain futures of Hangzhou. By developing many of the themes presented elsewhere in the museum, the question of how new planning can be used to improve the urban life of Hangzhou.
Thematic Galleries 主题馆
In this galleries the following main architectural topics are presented:
- Space 空间
During the Renaissance, architects constructed models that were large enough for the workers to assemble within them and receive their instructions from the foreman. In the space gallery several of such models are reconstructed, as large as rooms, allowing visitors to experience the spaces directly.
- Movement 运动
Here the visitor can experience movement through space by virtual reality tours through buildings.
- Materials and Techniques 材料及技术
In this gallery the visitor will see what materials are used to give buildings there architectural quality and beauty. Different famous historical and modern buildings will be presented.
- Structure 结构
Here the visitor will experience how do buildings stand up.
three-dimensional constructionmodels supplemented with multimedia
layers of information will be shown.
Architecture Labs 建筑实验室
On a regular basis, (young) architects will be commissioned
To design structures, which will be built full scale, to address seasonal and provisional functions. The labs are designed so that their design and construction of the project is part of the exhibition as well. The provisional, experimental structures built as part of the Architecture Lab can be a catalyst for up and coming designers.