The Supplier may not be substituted by one or more Sub-suppliers for the parts of the Contract falling within his specializations and which were given to him because of his resources and experiences, without prior written approval from the Purchaser.
The Supplier may procure the parts (materials, software and items) required for execution of the supply as he sees fit by means of sub-orders placed by himself with third parties or by the third parties themselves with other third parties.
In all cases, the Supplier must impose on the Sub-suppliers obligations so that application of the contractual clauses is guaranteed. He also remains personally responsible to the Purchaser and to third parties
Localization in PRC在中华人民共和国的定位
The Supplier is encouraged to cooperate with Chinese manufactures and design institutes to localize certain components and is appreciated to accept a reasonable number of purchaser’s engineer to participate in the Suppliers engineering and developing works.
The local supplier shall be considered as a supplier’s sub-supplier and the localized equipment is under full responsibility of the Supplier, including pricing, quality, schedule and guarantee.
The Supplier shall be fully responsible for carrying out prequalification/qualification and selection of local suppliers. The Supplier is required to report to the purchaser on such selections for review and approval before the issuance of the sub-purchase orders