Brief Introduction of ICF International (ICF) ICF International (ICF) is nationally known for its work in distributed generation and combined heat and power markets,
technologies and policy issues. ICF has conducted market and technology assessments for combined heat and power and waste
heat to power applications for the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Energy
Commission, the New York State Energy Research Authority, ACEEE, EPRI, GRI, INGAA and numerous equipment suppliers and
developers. ICF has worked with both private and public clients in evaluating distributed generation technologies, assessing
development risks and developing deployment strategies. ICF国际以其在分布式发电、热电联产的市场、技术及策略问题的工作而全国闻名。ICF为以下机构指导了在 热电联产及余热发电应用方面的市
备供应商和开发商。ICF与私人与公共客户在评估分布式发电技术、评估发展风险以及开发发展政策方面均有很好的合作。 ? ICF is the lead technical support contractor for the EPA CHP Partnership, providing guidance on technology and
policy, site-specific technical assistance and support for integrated market strategies. ICF是美国国家环境保护局热电联产中的主要的合作技术支持承建商,提供技术及政策引导, 整体市场政策的现场特定技术支援和支持。 ? The ICF team has produced industry benchmark studies and analyses on CHP markets, DG technology cost and performance,
and market development policies and issues, including the 2009 ORNL report “Combined Heat and Power; Effective Energy
Solutions for a Sustainable Future”, the IEA’s International CHP/DHC Collaborative’s “CHP Country Scorecard: United
States”, and NREL’s “Technology Characterization of Natural Gas-fired Distributed Generation”. ICF开展了在热电联产市场,分布式发电技术成本和性能以及市场发展策略、问题等方面的工业基准研究和分析,包括2009年橡树岭国家实验室
的报告“热电联产;未来可持续发展的有效能源解决方案”,国际能源机构国际的国际CHP/DHC Collaborative的“热电联产国家记分卡:美国
”,以及NREL的“天然气分布式发电的技术特征”。 ? ICF has developed and has access to a number of datasets and internal models on industrial and commercial energy
consumption and distributed generation, including a CHP Installation Database and Small DG Regulatory database. ICF开发以及享用许多在工业和商业能量消耗以及分布式发电方面的数据装置和内部模型,包括一套热电联产安装数据库,以及小分布式发电监
管数据库。 ? ICF is currently providing policy and strategic analysis assistance to DOE in a focused effort on developing and
implementing state and utility polices to accelerate the deployment of efficient combined heat and power and waste heat
recovery measures in industrial and commercial applications. As part of this effort, ICF is evaluating a host of complex
issues confronting CHP development, including interconnection standards and procedures, air emission limits, GHG reduction,
rates and tariffs, utility franchise issues, and FERC and PUC jurisdiction. ICF目前正在为美国能源部提供政策以及战略分析的支持,致力于发展、实施国家和使用政策,以加速高效的热电联产以及余热发电在工业及商