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Chinese Translation Samples > Environmental Protection Chinese to English Sample

Safety proposal of Oil contaminant removal operation_General emergency policies_English Translation_(Extract)_Sample_20120002_1

2 General emergency policies

Our general emergency policies is:
All-weather standby, rapid emergency, obey orders, pollution prevention and safety first.
(1) All-weather standby
Our vessel contaminant removal business exercises 24-hour stand-by system. Our marine affairs administration room will be on duty responsible for the contamination removal operation at all time. Our company is a specialized oil spill emergency treatment company. We are specialized in the oil spill emergency business, therefore can realize the all-weather standby.
(2) Rapid emergency
The vessel contamination accident is an outburst environmental pollution accident. Any leakage stoppage, containing and contaminant removal emergency action, emergency reaction valid time are important indices in weighing the capability of emergency decontamination. On precondition of 24-hour stand-by, we will call out immediately once we receive the report of the decontamination instruction from the vessel party signing the "vessel contaminant removal agreement" or the maritime authority.
(3) Obey orders
We will obey the uniform dispatch control by the maritime authority during the emergency decontamination process and exert our predominance in large-scale decontamination process, and coordinate with maritime authority, wharf and other vessel decontamination strength.
(4) Pollution prevention
Source of the vessel contamination accident is the vessel. We will firstly control the contamination accident from the source and adopt the emergency leakage stoppage and containing measures to prevent the contamination accident from expanding. Purpose of the contaminant removal operation is to reduce the contamination hazard of the oil spill to the environment as well as the secondary pollution during the contamination removal and transport treatment process. Therefore target of the pollution prevention is to follow out the overall oil spill emergency service process.
(5) Safety first
Oils and the refining products have flammability and explosion hazard and also toxicity. During the contaminant removal process, ensuring the safety of operators, vessels and equipments are of the vital importance.
(1) Our company will arrange and take the action proposal according to the following conditions after we receive the oil spill accident report.
¢Ù In case of bad weather and sea conditions, partly or all decontamination equipment and staff should wait on order in emergency and development of the oil spill condition should be monitored closely.
¢Ú Provided weather or sea conditions allows, the emergency action should be taken immediately.
(2) Scale of decontamination action and invocation of equipment and staff should be determined according to the oil spill scale.
(3) On arriving at the accident site, necessary fire prevention and explosion precautions should be taken according to the type of oil spill and site specific condition; For instance, the site command vessel and emergency vessels should be at the upper drift to prevent the staff from being injured by the oil gas dissipation.
(4) Reasonable grouping of equipment and staff should be formed according to the decontamination operation that can be made independently in order to establish a high efficiency decontamination capacity. The detail is shown in table 2-1.
(5) After the decontamination work is finished, the equipment must be rinse and warehoused and the equipment disposition record must be filled in for later claim.
Table 2-1 Min. unit of decontamination operating equipment and staff grouping proposal
Operation type
Grouping proposal of decontamination operation
Oil receiving operation
u  Professional decontamination ship, one
u  Layer of oil boom, two
u  Dirty oil recovery feeder ship, 1 or with self-provided oil compartment
u  Oil boom (placed on the operation vessel)
u  One oil receiver, one ashore transfer car
u  Portable diesel generator or other removable power supply
u  Transfer pump and piping system, 2 sets each
u  Ashore dispose to liquid waste is committed to Zhoushan Nahai Oily Water Treatment Co.,Ltd
u  Professional decontamination ship, 6 persons/ship
u  Oil boom deploying ship, 2 persons/ship
u  Feeder ship, 3 crew/ship
u  Other assistant operation staff X times
u  Total 13+x persons required
Oil-taking boom
u  Towing work barge of oil-taking towing rope, two
u  Oil-taking towing rope, 1 set
u  Working ships, 2 crew/ship
u  Other assistant operation staff X times
u  Total 4+x persons required
Spray oil spill
u  On specialized decontamination vessel or auxiliary vessels equipped with vessel carried oil dispersant spraying device
u  Several oil dispersants
u  Oil dispersant spraying device, one set; safety appliances, three sets (including glove, protective clothing, protective glasses, plastic mask)
u  Vessel, 3 persons/vessel
u  Other assistant operation staff X times
u  Total 3+x persons required
Adsorption of oil absorption materials
u  Four auxiliary vessels
u  Oil trawl, one set, jettisoning and recovering apparatus, two sets
u  Several oil absorption material
u  Land receiving and transfering equipment
u  Vessel, 3 persons/vessel
u  Other assistant operation staff X times
u  Total 12+x persons required
Before the decontamination operation, we will select the decontamination operation plan according to different conditions, which include:
l  Emergency leakage stoppage, unloading
To carry out the leakage stoppage to the vessel leakage and transfer the cargo oil or the fuel oil to other vessels to prevent the oil product leakage or expansion.
l  Maintenance to sensitive resources and contaminant removal
For sensitive resources such as resort, sand beach and swampland, etc, according to the surveillance and the forecast to the transfer and diffusion of the oil spill, the protective measures should be taken to coastline threatened by the oil spill and sensitive resources to prevent the oil spill from polluting the coastline and the sensitive resources after it goes on shore. For contaminative sensitive resources, containing, recovering, chemical dispersal and flushing can be used.
l  Recovering removal of offshore contaminant
Specialized decontamination vessel and auxiliary vessels, oil boom, oil receiver, oil spill dispersant and oil absorption material are used for recovery or removal.
l  Coastline contaminant removal
The coastline contaminant removal measures should be taken according to different type and pollution level of the shoreline.
Generally combined reaction of several proposals should be adopted under large-scale oil spill accident. When we encounter with the oil spill accident hardly to settle independent by ourselves, we will obey the command from the maritime authority of the decontamination operation.
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