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Eye (anatomy and physiology)_English to Chinese(Extract)_Sample_20120024_1_2 |
Eye (anatomy and physiology) 眼 (解剖学和生理学) Objective: 目标: · To study the basic structure of the eye · A detailed structure of the retina; and · Function of rods and cones. · 为了学习眼球的基本结构 · 视网膜的详细结构;和 · 视杆与视锥的功能 In human beings, a pair of eyes functions as the organs of sight. Each eye is spherical in shape, and lies within the bony socket known as the orbit. Each eye has a set of ocular muscles which causes the eye ball to move in different directions. This helps in voluntary rotation of the eye ball. From behind the eyes emerge the optic nerves which form an optic chiasma and finally enter the brain. 对人类而言,一对眼球是作为视器来发挥作用的。每个眼球都是一个球形体,位于骨窝内,名曰眼窝。每个眼球都有一组眼球外肌,这些眼球外肌使得眼球能够在不同的方向上运动。这就有助于眼球的自动旋转。从眼后射出的视神经形成了一个视交叉,并最终进入到大脑内。 Let us focus on one eye, and the cross section of the eye shows that it is composed of three layers, outer fibrous coat composed of sclera and a transparent cornea, the middle vascular layer of choroid, ciliary bodies and iris, and the innermost layer of nervous tissue called the retina. A part of the retina is an optic disc which is also known as the blind spot. The optic nerve leaves the eye from this area. 让我们集中于一只眼睛,眼睛的截断面显示,这是由三层构成的,外纤维层包括有巩膜和透明角膜,中间的血管层是由脉络膜,睫状体和虹膜构成的,神经组织的最内层称为视网膜。视网膜的一部分是视神经盘,也被称为盲点。视神经从此处离开眼球。 As light enters the eye, it passes through the cornea and reaches the lens, which adjusts itself to change its curvature and focuses the light on the fovea centralis or yellow spot which is a shallow depression on the retina. 当光线进入眼球时,光线穿过角膜,到达晶状体,晶状体能够自我调节,改变其曲率,并将光聚焦于中央凹处或黄斑处,这是视网膜上的一个浅凹处。 A magnified view of the fovea centralis shows photoreceptor cells. These cells are specialized type of neurons that are capable of converting light energy into nerve impulses. This is known as photo-transduction. 中央凹的放大图显示是感光细胞。这些细胞是神经元的一些专门类型,能够将光能转换为神经冲动。这也被称为光传导。 Photoreceptors consist of two types of cells- they are the rods and cones which are isolated. As the name suggests, the cone cell is conical in shape while the rod cell is cylindrical. Both types of cells possess a calyceal process which divides the rod and cone into outer segment and inner segment that ends in a structure known as the fin. Internally, the outer segment of the rod shows the pigment rhodopsin while the cone shows the presence of iodopsin. 光感受器包括有两种类型的细胞,他们分别是视杆细胞和视锥细胞,它们是隔离的。顾名思义,视锥细胞是圆锥形的,而视杆细胞是圆柱形的。两种类型的细胞都具有一个盏过程,将视杆细胞和视锥细胞分为外节和内节,并终于一个被称为鳍的结构内。在内部,视杆细胞的外节显示为视紫红色素,而视椎细胞则显示为视紫蓝色素。 The cell body of the rod consists of outer and inner fibres but the cell body of the cone has only the inner cone fibre. The rods possess a lamella at the upper end and pedicle is found in cones which help them to connect with the bipolar neurons. These rods and cones are attached to the pigment epithelial cells. The three subtypes of the cone cells, based on the presence of the pigment type are, the L cones with erythrolabe which are sensitive to red light, the M cones with chlorolabe, are sensitive to green light and the S cones with cyanolabe, are sensitive to blue light. When blue light is incident on the cyanolabe pigment on the S cone, it is activated. This activated cone cell passes the impulse to the bipolar neurons and ganglion cells. It is finally transmitted to the optic nerve. Thus cone cells help us in colour vision. While the rods cells, help in detecting the intensity of that light. The rod cells contain a pigment called visual purple, or rhodopsin. When light of low intensity is incident on the rod cell, it undergoes a process called bleaching. Only a few pigment molecules are bleached. This splitting of rhodopsin depolarizes the rod cell, passing the nerve impulse. Bleaching is a temporary process, and the rhodopsin molecules regain their normal colour after some time. But when the intensity of light is high, the number of pigment molecules which undergo bleaching is much more, so the intensity of the impulse transmitted is also more. This helps the rods to detect the light intensity. This impulse is also transmitted through the ganglion cells to the axons of the optic nerves, which are long thread like fibres and they finally reach the brain. Here, they synapse with the neurons of the brain. This impulse is transmitted through various neurons inside the brain, before it is finally interpreted. 视杆细胞的细胞体是有外纤维和内纤维构成的,但是视椎细胞的细胞体仅含有内椎体纤维。视杆细胞在上端具有一个薄片,而视锥处所见的蒂则有助于将它们连接于双极神经元。这些视杆和视锥粘附于色素上皮细胞。基于色素的类型,将视锥细胞分为三种亚型,L型视锥细胞具有视红素,对红光敏感,M型视锥细胞具有绿敏素,对绿光敏感,S型视锥细胞具有感蓝色素,对蓝光敏感,当蓝光偶然地照在S型视锥细胞上的感蓝色素上时,它就激活了。被激活的视锥细胞将冲动传至双极神经元和神经节细胞处。最终传送至视神经处。这样,视锥细胞就有助于我们的色觉。而视杆细胞,则有助于探测光的强度。视杆细胞含有一种叫做视紫红质或视紫质的色素。当低强度的光偶然照在视杆细胞上时,它就会开始进行一种叫做褪色的过程。仅有小部分色素分子被褪色了。视紫质的分裂将视杆细胞去极化,传递神经冲动。褪色是一种暂时的过程,视紫质分子在一段时间后就能够恢复其常色。但是如果光的强度较高,进行褪色的色素分子数量更多,这样所传送的冲动的强度也就更大。这有助于视杆细胞来探测光的强度。这个冲动也通过神经节细胞,传递到视神经的轴突上,轴突是像纤维一样的长线,它们最终到达大脑内。在这里,它们与大脑的神经元建立突触。在最终被翻译之前,这些冲动会通过大脑内的各种神经元来进行传送。 So, we can conclude that, as light enters the eye, it interprets the signal and transmits it to a nerve impulse via the optic nerve to the brain which helps in vision. 所以,我们能够得出如下结论,当光进入眼球,眼球翻译了这种信号,将其转换为一种神经冲动,并通过视神经传入大脑内,以助于形成视觉。
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