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Emission Spectra and the Flame Test_English>Chinese(Extract)_Sample_20120024_1_1

Emission Spectra and the Flame Test                                        
发射光谱和焰色试验                                                              Have you ever observed what happens when it is raining in one part of the sky and the sun shining in the other? In such a situation, we often spot a rainbow in the part where it is raining. It is so because each raindrop acts as a tiny prism, which refracts the path of the white light of the sun falling on it, and scatters it into a brilliant riot of colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, merging into each other. The band of colours so formed is called a spectrum and here, as one colour merges into the other, it is called a continuous spectrum. Several such drops together result in the formation of a rainbow.
Besides continuous, another type of spectrum is the line spectrum, which is further classified as the absorption and the emission spectra. In this topic, we will study the emission spectra of elements and their application in chemistry as the flame test.
A common example of the emission spectrum is the sodium vapour lamps, adorning the city at night. Let us go inside the lamp for a while and see what is happening there. We observe that there is a thin sealed gas tube, filled with low density gaseous sodium. There are positive and negative terminals at the two ends, connected to a high voltage power supply. At the microscopic level, we can see the sodium atoms moving at a high speed inside the tube and electrons moving from one terminal to the other. As these electrons continuously collide with the sodium atoms crossing their path, the energy supplied by the colliding electron excites the outer electron of the atom to jump to higher energy levels. However, this electron is not stable in this excited state, and soon falls back to its original energy level, giving out the absorbed energy as photons. The energy of these emitted photons corresponds to that of the yellow light of the visible spectrum. This process of excitation and de-excitation of electrons is the secret behind the yellow light of the lamp.
Let's see what happens on passing the light emitted by this sodium lamp through a slit and resolving it through a prism. We observe distinct yellow coloured lines, of specific wavelengths, exactly 586 nm and 589 nm, in a dark background. This arrangement of distinct bright lines on a dark background is the emission spectrum of sodium.
让我们看一下当这种钠灯发射的光通过狭缝以及通过棱镜时会发生什么。我们观察到在黑暗的背景下有不同的黄色光线,其特定的波长分别为586 nm和589 nm。这种在黑暗背景下不同发射谱线的排列就是钠的发射光谱。
If we change the gas in the discharge tube from sodium to neon, we get a bright red light, while a discharge tube filled with argon gives out a different glow. This is so because; the emission spectrum of each of these elements is different. In general, the emission spectrum of every element is unique and serves as a tool for its identification.
This unique property of emission spectrum is widely used in chemistry labs and workshops as flame test to identify the atoms present in unknown compounds. Here, we will discuss the flame test of sodium. Let's dip a looped platinum wire first in concentrated HCl and then in the given sodium salt. You will notice that some of the salt sticks to the loop. When this wire is placed in a flame, the ions are reduced to gaseous metal atoms in the central region of the flame. The high temperature of the flame excites the valence electron, present in the 3s orbital to a higher energy 3p orbital. As this excited electron falls back to its original energy level, it emits energy in the form of visible light with a wavelength of 589 nm. The emitted energy causes the colour of the flame to turn bright yellow which is similar to the one observed in the street lights. In general, any unknown element can be identified by its flame colour, which depicts nothing but the emission spectrum of the element.
发射光谱的这种独特性被广泛用于化学实验室和工厂中,通过焰色试验对未知原子进行鉴定。这里,我们将对钠的焰色试验进行讨论。首先,使用铂丝圈蘸取浓HCl,然后用铂丝圈蘸取钠盐。这样钠盐会附着在铂丝圈上。当将铂丝置于火焰上时,离子将在火焰的中心区域变为气化的金属原子。火焰的高温激发价电子,使其从最初的3s轨道跃迁至能级更高的3p轨道。当这些激发电子返回至最初的能级时,能量将以可见光的形式发射,其波长为589 nm。发射的能量使火焰的颜色变为明亮的黄色,这与我们在街上看到的装饰用灯发出的颜色类似。一般来说,对任何未知元素都能通过其火焰颜色进行鉴别,能够对元素的发射光谱进行描述。
To summarize, when gaseous sodium atoms in a discharge tube are excited, they absorb certain radiations, which are given out during their de-excitation. The spectrum so obtained by passing the emitted light through a prism, is called the emission spectrum of the element. This concept of excitation and de-excitation of electrons is also applied in chemistry labs for detection of these elements. This test is called the flame test.
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