The control units is applied by the BOSCH DCN system utilizes to provide power and control to DCN microphones, interpreters units and transmission units. In total, there are three control units, each with different characteristHYW, of which an auxiliary power supply is used to provide power to additional units in conjunction with a control unit and an Audio Media Interface is used to analog output for recording or press feeds of the multi-channel outputs from the system.
The LBB 3500/05, as the basic unit, can take control over up to 240 microphone units and supply power for up to 90 units. It is used for standalone operation only and does not have any facility for a computer interface. Also, it allows microphones to be operated in voice activated and manual modes, with controls for loudspeaker volume and tone control as well as operation of an automated equalization system for optimizing the integrated loudspeakers.
The LBB 3500/15 is possessed of all the features of the basic unit and in addition the function of computer control via RS-232 serial connections. Furthermore, it also features a larger power supply handling up to 180 microphone units.
The LBB 3500/35 has all the features of the LBB 3500/15 but is used only in case over 240 microphone units are required. In combination with a PC operating LBB 3586/00 Multi CCU Software and the LBB 3511/00 Multi CCU PC Card, it allows multiple LBB 3500/35 CCUs to be connected with total of 16 microphone units in support of 3840 microphone units.
The LBB 3506/00 Extension Power Supply can supply power for 180 microphone units but must work with a control unit. With it, 3 DCN trunk outputs with short-circuit protection are available.
The LBB 3508/00 Audio Media Interface provides an integrated power supply for up to 90 microphone units and features 3 DCN trunk outputs with short-circuit protection. In use, the analog audio output for 4 selectable channels of output from the DCN system is available.
The LBB 3510/00 Network PC Card serves as an ISA card interface for a personal computer, which allows multi-channel monitoring and intercom facility for the operator in a computer controlled DCN system when the DCN software is applied.
For more about Central Control Units, please contact us