CGI Unit is an independent subsidiary under PA Group, specialized in consumer finance and credit guarantee insurance. This job is to provide interpretation service to CEO and several other expat managers. All interpretation is conducted simultaneously. Major responsibilities include: With external parties: visiting and reporting to regulators (including central/local CIRC, PBOC, City Finance Office); meeting and negotiating with banks (including state-owned banks and commercial banks); media reception and Q&A; training sessions (including sessions organized by central CIRC); workshops with McKinsey. With internal parties: regular meetings (covering compliance, legal, operation, IT, finance, planning, risk, marketing, etc.), ad hoc meetings, daily communication, staff communication, reporting to Group seniors, Group Board Meetings, Group ExCo Meeting, 2011 sales rally in Singapore and Malaysia. Frequent business trips. Compiling glossary for translation and interpretation team; hiring and coaching interpreters. One of Company Monthly Stars in April, 2011. |
ICC-NDRC is affiliated to the National Development and Reform Commission, specialized in bridging Chinese cities and foreign companies, cities or organizations in forming partnership. Major responsibilities include: Translating co-operation agreements; meeting note-taking; Receiving Chinese companies or local governments; Receiving foreign companies or government organizations; providing interpretation for Center Director in meeting foreign guests (such as the Israeli Ambassador to China); Preparing for the 1st Global Think-tank Forum; Preparing for the Meeting on China¨s Adaptation to Climate Change co-hosted by the Center, McKinsey and China¨s Academy of Agriculture. |