Self Assessment -- Proven translation/interpretation performance for commercial contracts, technical workshops as well as high-level meetings for mega energy projects; act as an coordinator as per business needs; -- Self-starter and quick learner; versatile abilities demonstrated in different roles; -- Extensive experience/knowledge of energy projects as well as mineral geology, survey & reserves -- Good image, integrity, humor; proficiency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project and Visio. Work Experience 2009/8--Present:SASOL SYNFUELS BEIJING REP(<50 people) [ 3 year and 2month] Industry: Oils/Chemicals/Mines/Geology Ningxia-Sasol Coal-to-liquids Project Project Coordinator & Chief Interpreter Interpretation for Commercial contracts, GAPA, coal and key F-T synthesis technologies£º 1. For interviews and meetings between Sasol executives and NEA director, NX governors, Shenhua and SNCG executives; 2. For Joint Steering Meetings and Project Venture Meetings etc.£» 3. For PAR review meetings as well as the opening & closing ceremonies; 4. Deeply exposed to translation & negotiations of Coal Supply Agreement, JVA and Off-taking Agreement; technical discussions of coal-mining, coal properties, coal gasification, key FT technology etc. 5. Observe body language & internal discussion and whisper the summary to chief negotiator£» 6. Supervise and lead the in-house interpreter team; oversee and polish outsourced translations.
7. Coordination and facilitation of business visits and meetings with stakeholders£» 8. Act as coordinator in the Mine DD study, Supplementary Exploration, Letter of Consent, Lab Performance Test etc.; multiple underground mine visits; 9. Collect, analyze data & information; draft relevant chapters of China Strategy Report.
2007/1--2009/8:SHELL (CHINA) LIMITED(>500 people) [ 2 year and 7month] Industry: Oils/Chemicals/Mines/Geology Clean Coal Energy BU Technical interpreter Senior Interpretation: Shell C&P EVP interview with Sinopec Int¡¯l president on the cooperation signing ceremony, Shell China CCE Director interview with WEC leadership, SGSI Global Synthesis & Gasification GM meeting with SNCTL project team; Project Interpretation: Shell-Ningmei CTL Project BOD Midterm Review Meeting, BDP Design Contract Negotiation, BOD Final Review Meeting, Ningdong Base Master planning Workshop; Donting Plant HSE Audit and etc.; Translation: Site Survey Contract; BDP Contract & technical appendix; Over-size Equipment Logistics Contract & report; Technical Service Agreement; implementation of BOD Report outsourcing contract; Contributed to Studies: SNCTL Lesson-learned report£»Capex reduction study: drafted tendering document, Scope of Work; tenderer qualification;drafted meeting agendas; Kmeeting, midterm & final review meeting interpretation;
2004/6--2006/10:US TRO Beijing Representative Office(<50 people) [ 2 year and 4month] Industry: Architectural Services/Building Materials/Construction Marketing Department English Translator 1.Translation: Interpretation for business meetings and design workshops; Practical translation for marketing purpose; precise translation for technical issues
2.Facilitation Drafted feasibility study report, tendering & bidding documentation, technical papers in healthcare engineering publications; Event: solely administered the China Healthcare Architectural Design & Facility Exhibition, including company brochure, board translation and printing, paper and PPT, pre-event preparation, hosting and post-event project promotion with interested visitors; Report Directly to: President Number of Subordinate: 3 Reference: Zhao Qiang Reason for Leaving: personal development 2000/9--2004/6:xxx Internet Information Center(50-150 people) [ 3 year and 9month] Industry: Government/Public Service English department English Translator Four years for government foreign propaganda; Translated lots of government rules, reports and papers. Project Experience 2009/8--Present:NS CTL Project Project Description: Ningxia-Sasol CTL Project; CTL JVA negotiation; Mine JVA negotiation; mine DD; Mine asset valuation; Mine supplementary exploration; Responsibility: project coordination; interpretation and negotiation facilitation Education 1996/9--2000/7 University of International Business and Economy Finance Bachelor International Finance
1996/9--2000/7 Beijing Language Institute English Bachelor TEM-8, concise, precise and clear translator Certifications 2000/7 National Computer Rank Examination Level 2 2000/7 TEM Level 8 Language Skills English(Excellent): French(Good): |