Ms Liu is an English road and bridge translator with ten years translation experiences.
Work Experience
2010 /12--Present:Hubei XXX Engineering Ltd [ 9month] Industry: Others Management Dept English Translator English Translator and be in charge of bidding works for overseas project
2006 /8--2010 /10:XXX Architectural Group (Sino Infrastracture Partnership) Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd [ 4 year and 2month] Industry: Architectural Services/Building Materials/Construction Administration English Translator ●In charge of translating various bid document and legal, insurance and commercial contract ●In charge of interpreting for foreign investors seeking business in China ● Teaching expatriate staff Chinese lesson Report Directly to: admin director Achievements: project involving SST, Walvoil, Getinge, Delphi, IKEA, Swarovski, Novalis, Cassapa, Hempel and Autoliv, etc.
1991 /8--2006 /7:Overseas Co. under a large SOE [ 14 year and 11month] Industry: Architectural Services/Building Materials/Construction overseas dept. English Translator 1998/10~2006/07: CFMCC Overseas Company Wuhan, China Translator/Dept. manager ●Participating in the following bidding translation works: Mongolian 124Km Road project (financed by Asia Development Bank)/Botswana 42Km Water Supply Works (lion’s share of the budget from European Investment Bank)/Bangladesh Jatrabari-Gulistan 7Km Flyover 2005/05~2005/06:TATA’s 242m2 Sinter Plant & 3200m3 Blast Furnace Calcutta, India Interpreter/contract management ●In charge of interpreting for technical & commercial negotiation ●Contract drafting & modification/revision 2004/09~2005/04:75Km Water Reticulation Works Gaborone, Botswana Translator/contract management ●Interpreting at weekly working meeting and translating various document ●Responsible for contract management & liaison job ●Taking part in bidding works for hypertension power transmission works financed by European Investment Bank 2003/11~2004/07:Corrus Cold Rolling Mill & Pickle Line Shotton, UK Interpreter/coordinator ●Site & meeting interpretation ●Coordination with British engineers for program & shipping works 2002/10~2003/10:CFMCC Overseas Company Wuhan, China Translator/Dept. manager ●Responsible for bidding and translation for works such as Guangdong Liquid Natural Gas project/ Singapore Changi Water Reclamation Plant/Singapore Subway project & Law Enforcement Academy under Ministry of Home Affairs/Nepal road rebuilding works 2001/10~2002/09:World Bank Financed Flyover Works Dhaka, Bangladesh Interpreter/Business manager ●Responsible for contract management and interpretation at weekly working meeting & translation of document of various kinds ●Negotiating with local banks for several large amount of bank guarantees ●Talks with officials from National Board of Revenue & Ministry of Communications led to temporary duty free for import of heavy-duty plant & equipment ●Responsible for customs clearance for equipment & materials ●Coordination with the employer, consultant and agent ●Negotiating with supplier and executing contract for heavy-duty equipment & plant in Singapore 2000/01~2001/09:CFMCC Overseas Company Wuhan, China Translator/trading ●Responsible for 2 exports to Nigeria, including contract drafting/document preparation/liaison with advising bank & shipper ●Taking part in a few bidding & translation works for projects financed by World Bank 1998/10~1999/12:Zhujiang Steel Works 150-ton Electric Furnace Guangzhou, China Interpreter/translator ●Responsible for interpretation at site & weekly working meeting and trial production, including furnace proper, PLC, material charge, de-dusty, sub-station and boost pump station 1995/09~1998/06:Hubei Economic Management University Wuhan, China 1991/10~1994/12:President Guard Battalion/Water Works Harare/Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Site foreman ●Responsible for site construction works as per program ●Arranging access of materials & construction machine into job site as per schedule ●Cooperation with employer’s representative as per quality requirement & work period, including issuance of variation orders 1983/~1991/09:CFMCC Foundation Engineering Company Wuhan, China Engineering survey team leader/quantity surveyor ●Responsible for engineering survey & quantity survey at many works in mainland China, covering pile foundation, road works, waste water treatment, pump house, large-scale sugar depot, traverse & transfer station, supporting works for blast furnace, etc. Report Directly to: company manager Achievements: refer to job description.
Education 1995 /9--1998 /6 Hubei University of Economic Management Economics Associate
Certifications 2005 /10 national accreditation examinations for translators and interpreters(NAETI) certificate of English translation:level 2 80 2000 /12 BEC3 2000 /8 certificate of quantity survayor by Hubei province 1997 /6 CET6 Language Skills nglish Listening&Speaking(Excellent),Reading&Writing(Excellent) |