010-82115891/5892 021-31200158
English Chinese Translators More
Financial Translaters
Petrochemical Technology
Transportation Translators
Machinery Translators
Iron and Steel, Metallurgy
Chinese Translators More
Chinese Simplified - Russian ..
Chinese Simplified - Portugue..
Chinese Simplified - Spanish ..
Chinese Traditional - Japanes..
Chinese Traditional - German ..
Chinese Simplified - French T..
English - Ukrainian Translato..
Chinese Simplified - Korean T..
Chinese-Italian translator:An..
Chinese-Italian translator:El..
Project Management More
The quality control measures...
With rich management experie...
We've been consistently ...
A firm and reliable quality ...
Strict confidentiality rules...
English Chinese Translators > technical document

Mr FU: Automation Bachelor with 10 years of IT English translation experiences

Work Experience
(Overseas)2004 /6--Present:XXX Industrial Automation Ltd. [ 8 year] 
Industry: Instrument/Industry Automation
Documentation Center Technical writer /Translator
- Develop & maintain XXX product manuals
- Update & maintain XXX automation Chinese terminology
- Organize & coordinate expects to proofread Chinese manuals, analyse the proofread result
- Be familiar with softwares, like photoshop, illustrator, snagit etc..
- Manage translation project, control translation quality and track customer feedback
- Translate and proofread XXX automation product manuals, FAQs and training material
- On-site MES (Manuafacture Executive System) training & localization (GUI & online-help) in Italy for 3 times
- Be familiar with translation softwares, like WinTrans、Catalyst、Trados、have using experience of Robohelp

2003 /6--2004 /6: XXX Software localization Ltd. [ 1 year ] 
Industry: Computers,Software
Documentation English Translator
As one of the approved IBM proof-reading vendor, we provide reliable service with good quality. While being a QA (Quality Assurance) personnel at first, I focused on technical and readable aspects and got the chance to learn and know many IBM products as well as technology. Benefit from the accumulating experiences on the possible problems occured in translation process. As the company growing, I was appointed to take charge of Microchip business, emphasizing the communication with customer part and answering the translators' questions for every task. The localization tools we ofter used are Trados and Frame maker.

2002 /6--2003 /6:Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company. [ 1 year] 
Industry: Internet/E-commerce
Translation    Part-time English Translator
Provide translation service for several well-known govenment and enterprises, such as official website of Changping district,Beijing; Leica, Siemens, BMW and so on. Translate Technical documents, product release info and propagantion, web site, etc..

2001 /6--2002 /6: XXX Institute of SAST [ 1 year] 
Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC
Signal Source Inspecting Research Specialist Staff
Our signal-source inspecting team is responsible for the annual checking for the electronical instruments and devices.
1997 /10--2001 /7 HARBIN Institute of Technology Automation Bachelor
2008 /3--Present:  ASAHI Training Institute JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) 2nd Grade Training 
2006 /3--2006 /4:  Siemens Traning Center, Shanghai S7-300 Product Training 
2005 /4--2005 /5:  Siemens Development Center MES components 
2002 /3--2002 /7:  ONLY Training College English intermediate Interpretor 
2005 /4 MES Training Certificate 
2000 /9 CET6 
1999 /7 National Computer Rank Examination Level 3

Chinese Translation Achievements More
Iron and Steel
Professional Scope More
Multilingual Solurtions For ..
Government And International..
Energy Sector Multilingual S..
Telecommunications Multiling..
IT Multilingual Solutions
Language Solutions For The M..
Law Firms
Banking and Finance
Main Languages More
Reliable Cantonese Translations
Simplified Chinese Translation
Traditional Chinese Translation
English translation
German Translations
Language pairs More
Translation into Asian Lan...
English-to-French translation
Popular Language Combinations
Chinese to English Translation
English to Chinese Translation
Service Advantages More
[Publishing and Printing] We..
[Full Disciplines] Our tran..
[Whisper Interpretation] We ..
[Simultaneous Interpretation..
[Translation Capacity] We ar..

Beijing Address: Room 1507, Building 4, Sun Garden, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100098
Tel: +86-10-82115891 Fax: +86-10-82115892 Email:beijinghyw@126.com MSN:bjhyw@hotmail.com

Shanghai Address: 20G of No. 38 of Caoxi North Road, Shanghai.Post code: 200030
Tel: 0086-21-31200158 Fax: 0086-21-31200158 Email:shkehu@263.net

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