Ms Xiang is a Portuguese interpreter with two years translation experiences in trade.
Work Experience
2011 /5--2011 /5: XXX shoe manufacturing company, Portugal [ less than one month] Industry: Apparel/Textiles/Leather Goods Trade Portuguese Translator Purchasing groups accompanying translator of Atlanta, Inc.
2011 /4--2011 /4:XXX (Brazil£©Business Consultation Co. Ltd [China Trade Center] [ less than one month] Industry: Trading/Import & Export Trade Portuguese Translator The 109th Guangdong Trade Exhibition. The accompanying translator of Brazil Business Group and the venue coordinator
2010 /10--2010 /11:XXX Portuguese speaking countries economy and trade Service[ 1month] Industry: Government/Public Service Government Offices Portuguese Translator China¡ªPortuguese speaking countries economy and trade EWEC£¨Macao£©£¬The 3rd ministerial conference£¬The accompanying translator of journalist groups of Portuguese speaking countries£»
2009 /7--2011 /7: Inland XXX Translation companies [ 2 year] Industry: Others translation Portuguese Translator Portuguese project and Translation of all kinds of certificate
2009 /7--2009 /8: XXX Portugal committee [ 1month] Industry: Government/Public Service Government Offices Portuguese Translator Portugal Lisbon oThe 2nd Portuguese-speaking games. The accompanying translator and coordinator of Macao, China delegation.
(Overseas)2008 /9--2010 /7 Portugal Leiria Politychnic Institute Other Languages Bachelor Major subjects£º Portuguese Communication £¬ Theory and Practice of Translation£¬ Culture and Literature of Portuguese Language Countries£¬ Public Administration of Portugal and Europe£¬Introduction to Economics£¬*Political Science and International Relations£¨extracurricular minor subject£©£¬Complete Idiot's Guide to European History£¬etc.
2007 /9--2011 /7 acao Polytechnic Institute Other Languages Bachelor Major subjects£º Skills of Portuguese Translation£¬Simultaneous & Consecutive Translation£¬Portuguese Communication £¬ Theory and Practice of Translation£¬Complete Idiot's Guide to Macao History, etc.
Honors and Awards 2011 /4 The 6th Portuguese poetry Recitation Contest Senior League Second Prize All Portuguese College in China 2010 /12 Macao Polytechnic Institute Portuguese Outstanding Debate Athletes College Level 2010 /11 Inland -Macao ¡°Campus Portuguese Debate Competition¡± Team Third Prize Macao Level 2010 /9 Macao Polytechnic Institute top student full scholarship College Level 2009 /4 Public Media£¬International Relations debate competition£¨Portug College Level £¨Portugal£© 2008 /4 Macao Polytechnic Institute The 3rd ¡°Portuguese poetry Recitation Contest¡± Personal Second Prize College Level
Practical Experience
2010 /11--2010 /11 China¡ªPortuguese speaking countries economy and trade EWEC£¨Macao£©permanent secretariat The accompanying translator of journalist groups of Portuguese speaking countries during the China¡ªPortuguese speaking countries economy and trade EWEC£¨Macao£©£¬The 3rd ministerial conference£»
2010 /5--2010 /5 Portugal Leiria Polytechnic Institute ¡°Chinese Gourmet¡± Exchange Seminar Project intermediary member£» 2009 /7--2009 /8 Portuguese-speaking games (Portugal) committee The accompanying translator and coordinator of Macao, China delegation£»
2008 /10--2009 /1 Portugal Leiria Polytechnic Institute - IPL broadcast studio Interview, record, post production, inter-cut in IPL broadcast studio£»
Language Skills Portuguese Listening&Speaking(Very Good)£¬Reading&Writing(Very Good) English Listening&Speaking(Good)£¬Reading&Writing(Good) Cantonese Listening&Speaking(Good)£¬Reading&Writing(Very Good) Grade of English: CET 4