Ms Duan is a Spanish translator with two years work experiences in trade and logistics.
Work Experience 2010 /8--Present:BEIJING XXX CO.,LTD.(50-150 people) [ 1 year] Industry: Trading/Import & Export Development Department Spanish translator Reception of foreign delegations, participate in business negotiations, inquiry, translation of documents such as e-mail etc. 2010 /5--2010 /8:XXX Trading COMPANY (>500 people) [ 3month] Industry: Trading/Import & Export Sales sales in spanish 1, I am responsible for the overseas market sales and market development; 2, In charge of maintain and develop customer relationships abroad; 3, Take care with overseas customer negotiations, the implementation of negotiated agreements; 4 To collect information on overseas projects, customer information and competitor information. 2007 /10--2008 /3:XXX TOURISM COMPANY (>500 people) [ 5month] Industry: Hospitality/Tourism Human Resources asian departmente. Human Resources Assistant Operadora de Eventos - Tareas de reserva, preparación y planificación de los servicios. - Elaboración de bases de datos de clientes y proveedores. - Traducción de textos del Espanol/Inglés al Chino Mandarín. 2007 /7--2007 /9:XXX Embassy of china (>500 people) [ 2month] Industry: Others translater Spanish Translator translation of chinese,spanish and english. Education (Overseas)2008 /5--2009 /12 Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona Logistic Management Master (Overseas)2006 /11--2008 /1 Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona International Business Master 2004 /9--2006 /7 Beijing International Studies University English Polytechnic