Ms Mao is an English translator with two years translation experiences in audio and video company.
Work Experience
2010 /6--2011 /3:Shenzhen Kada Technical Innovation Company Limited(50-150 people) [ 9month] Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC HR and Administration Department English Translator Since Kada was exploring a listing in Malaysian, it needed a translator. I, as the translator, was mainly responsible for translation of all materials relevant to the listing activities. Translated prospectus; SC queries and letters and Kada’s responses to SC; Agreement relating to the sale and purchase of shares, IPO board resolution, letter of appointment (directors), director’s responsibility statement, etc; Contracts and agreements that include, amongst others, distribution agreement, cooperation agreement, MOU, letter of intent, etc; Kada presentation, kada products and user manual, QC documents and IP management policy, etc; Video script for Kada Technology Limited; English version of Kada’s website; Recruitment advertisements for Kada’s foreign branch in Malaysia; Other information and materials relating to the listing or as required by SC; Administrative tasks assigned by my supervisor.
2008 /9--2010 /3:Shenzhen XXX Translation Co., Ltd. [ 1 year and 6month] Industry: Professional Services (Consulting, Human Resources, etc.) Translation Dept. English Translator Translated documents and articles covering electronics, tele-communications, finance, architecture, medicine, cosmetics, foods, clothing, and etc. Reviewed the materials translated by other colleagues Translated company profiles, news reports, letters, E-mails, other articles Translated business letters, agreements and contracts, legal documents, and etc. Translated technical articles, user manual, work instructions, test reports, and etc. Translated audio and video materials Translated notarial certificates, certificates, proofs, and etc. Used Trados to make Translation Memory
2007 /7--2008 /9:Language Training Center + Translation Company [ 1 year and 2month] Industry: Education/Training English-Related Department English Translator A transitional period from an English teacher to a competent translator I started to teach English, particularly oral English in a language training center for students and adults. Then I shifted gradually to the field of translation. I worked in a translation company and learned to translate a number of materials. The experience not only allowed me to have an overall understanding of translation, but also enabled me to possess the basic elements necessary for being a translator.
2006 /7--2007 /7:City College, XXX University [ 1 year] Industry: Education/Training English Department Lecturer/Teaching Assistant Taught Intensive Reading, and Listening Arranged for a four-year teaching plan for English majors Supervised teaching work of group members Balanced the inter-department relations Education 2003 /9--2006 /7 Xi'an Foreign Languages University English Master 1999 /9--2003 /7 Xi'an Foreign Languages University English Bachelor
Certifications 2003 /3 TEM Level 8 2001 /5 TEM Level 4 2001 /4 Nationwide Computer Level Test Band2
Language Skills English Listening&Speaking(Very Good),Reading&Writing(Excellent) French Listening&Speaking(Average),Reading&Writing(Average) Grade of English: TEM 8
Miscellaneous Info Speciality: Office Word,Excel,PowerPoint,etc