Work Experience 2008 /7--Present:Translations Company [ 3 year and 2month] Industry: Professional Services (Consulting, HR, Finance/Accounting) Department of Medical Translations English Translator Being responsible for translating and proofreading the medicine-related papers.Through hard working and self-learning, I have become very familiar with the tranlating of medical/biological papers,and have also gained recognitions from the customers I once served.
2007 /6--2008 /6:Shanghai XXX Pharmaceuticals. Co., Ltd [ 1 year] Industry: Medical Care/Healthcare/Public Health Department of Project English Translator Being responsible for translating varous papers from English into Chinese or Chinese into English,during the working period, I have accumulated some basis for my translation skills
2006 /8--2006 /9:Pharmaceutical Department in XXX Hospital [ 1month] Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Department Interpreter In the forum for Ethical Review Committee in Asia and the Western Pacific Region(FERCAP),I work as an english interpretor,which greatly enhance my enthusiam for english and the skills of interpreting
2004 /7--2004 /8:XXX pharmaceuticals company [ 1month] Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology marketing Channel/Distribution Representative responsible for researching into the marketing picture of newly manufactured medicine. Education 2003 /9--2007 /6 Medical School in Bengbu,Anhui Province Pharmacy Bachelor During the college study, i have finished the studies of key courses such as pharmacology,pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical analysis,pharmaceutical chemistry and so on. Besides,I have developed great interest for English, which is one of my favourate subjuect and lays solid fundation for my job now.
2005 /6 National Computer Rank Examination Level 2 2004 /9 CET6 2004 /6 CET4 B+
Language Skills
English Listening&Speaking(Good)£¬Reading&Writing(Very Good) Grade of English: CET 6