010-82115891/5892 021-31200158
English Chinese Translators More
¡¤ Financial Translaters
¡¤ Petrochemical Technology
¡¤ Communication Transportation
¡¤ Machinery and Electronics
¡¤ Iron and Steel Metallurgy
Chinese Translators More
¡¤ Ms Lou: French Translator in ..
¡¤ Ms Duan: French Translator in..
¡¤ Ms.Wang: French Translation E..
¡¤ Ms Wen: Swedish interpreter w..
¡¤ Mr Duan:Dutch translator with..
¡¤ Ms Fei:Ukrainian interpreter ..
¡¤ Ms Ji :Ukrainian interpreter ..
¡¤ Mr Han is a Vietnamese interp..
¡¤ Mr Han : Vietnamese interpret..
¡¤ Mr Lan:Vietnamese interpreter..
Project Management More
¡¤ The quality control measures...
¡¤ With rich management experie...
¡¤ We've been consistently ...
¡¤ A firm and reliable quality ...
¡¤ Strict confidentiality rules...
Chinese Translation > English Chinese Translators > Communication translators

Mr Han: English computer service translator with four years translation experiences

2011 /3--Present: XXX Corp., Ltd.(>500 people) [ 1 year]
Finance and Insurance Department
English Translator
Work with project teams serving foreign insurance companies; be in charge of the translation and bushiness analysis work, including but not limited to:
1. Requirement specifications translation, contract translation;
2. Meeting interpretation, accompany interpretation;
3. Train the foreigner clients for system usage;
4. Help the clients analyzing the business and proposing reasonable scheme.

2007 /3--2010 /12: XXX Group(>500 people) [ 3 year and 9month]
Computer Services
R&D Center
English Translator
Be responsible for the translation and interpretation of one researched system:
1. Translation for system design and system function translation;
2. Interpretation for technical communication and business negotiation;
3. Translation works:
Chinese to English - over 800 thousand; English to Chinese ¨C over 600 thousand.

2006 /7--2007 /3: XXX Translation Corp., Ltd.(>500 people) [ 8month]
Translation Department
Translation for the documents related to IT, finance, banking, etc.
Chinese Translation Achievements More
¡¤ Machinery & Electronics
¡¤ Medicine & Health
¡¤ Construction Engineering
¡¤ Aviation & Aerospace
¡¤ Iron and Steel
Professional Scope More
¡¤ Multilingual Solurtions For ..
¡¤ Government And International..
¡¤ Energy Sector Multilingual S..
¡¤ Telecommunications Multiling..
¡¤ IT Multilingual Solutions
¡¤ Language Solutions For The M..
¡¤ Law Firms
¡¤ Banking and Finance
Main Languages More
Chinese English German
French Russian Japanese
Korean Spanish Portuguese
Dutch Ukrainian Italian
Polish Danish Greek
Thai Swedish Vietnamese
Language pairs More
´¦Àí SSI Îļþʱ³ö´í
Service Advantages More
¡¤ [Publishing and Printing] We..
¡¤ [Full Disciplines] Our tran..
¡¤ [Whisper Interpretation] We ..
¡¤ [Simultaneous Interpretation..
¡¤ [Translation Capacity] We ar..

Beijing Address: Room 1507, Building 4, Sun Garden, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100098
Tel: +86-10-82115891 Fax: +86-10-82115892 Email:beijinghyw@126.com MSN:bjhyw@hotmail.com

Shanghai Address: 20G of No. 38 of Caoxi North Road, Shanghai.Post code: 200030
Tel: 0086-21-31200158 Fax: 0086-21-31200158 Email:shkehu@263.net

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