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Chinese Translation > English Chinese Translators > Energy and Power translators

Mr Ran is a new energy English translator with more than two years professional translation experiences.

Work Experience 
2009 /11--Present:Shanghai XXX Industry Co., Ltd, Green Energies Co., Ltd(<50 people) [ 2 year and 5month] 
Industry: New Energy
Overhead English Translator
(P.S.: The two companies share the same office, later I was transferred to the latter one.)

Shanghai XXX ndustry Co., Ltd ---- Job Title£ºExporting sales assistant
Job Description£ºIt is an international trade company, my job concerns dealing with the overseas orders. Specifically: offering the quotation to clients, tracking the offer, signing the export purchasing contract with clients, making commodities inspection documents, declaration documents, shipping documents, and tracking the shipping status and after-sales.

Green Energies Co., Ltd ---- Job Title£ºAssistant of CEO
Job Description£ºIt is a European foreign-founded company, I work as CEO translator, arrange daily schedule for him and handle some administrative work.

2007 /10--2009 /9:Shanghai XXX Architectural Services Co. |(<50 people) [ 1 year and 11month] 
Industry: Architectural Services/Building Materials/Construction
Overhead Executive Assistant/Secretary
Assistant of General Manager, handling administrative work, contacting overseas suppliers when company imports goods. Specifically: inquiring, confirming the price, negotiating the delivery time, signing the contract, contacting forward agent, and tracking arrival time of goods till its clearance.

2006 /12--2007 /6:XXX Property Management Co.,Ltd in Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences(<50 people) [ 6month] 
Industry: Property Management
Service center Receptionist
Reception of customer visiting, answering customer calls, registration of repair notice for real estate, utilities and equipments, document printing and file management.

2006 /7--2007 /8:Nanchang  XXX Creative Education, Provincial Minge Training Center | Teaching | Tutor(<50 people) [ 1 year and 1month] 
Industry: Education/Training/Universities and Colleges
Teaching Tutor
Working as the part-time English teacher in the above training institutions, teaching New Concepts English, Cambridge Young Learners¡¯ English, International Phonetic, and 3L English courses.
2010 /2--2013 /2 East Normal University English Bachelor
Having the English classes for bachelor degree, taking the evening classes.

2003 /9--2006 /6 Jiangxi Normal University English Associate
Having the English classes for associates degree.


Chinese Translation Achievements More
¡¤ Machinery & Electronics
¡¤ Medicine & Health
¡¤ Construction Engineering
¡¤ Aviation & Aerospace
¡¤ Iron and Steel
Professional Scope More
¡¤ Multilingual Solurtions For ..
¡¤ Government And International..
¡¤ Energy Sector Multilingual S..
¡¤ Telecommunications Multiling..
¡¤ IT Multilingual Solutions
¡¤ Language Solutions For The M..
¡¤ Law Firms
¡¤ Banking and Finance
Main Languages More
Chinese English German
French Russian Japanese
Korean Spanish Portuguese
Dutch Ukrainian Italian
Polish Danish Greek
Thai Swedish Vietnamese
Language pairs More
´¦Àí SSI Îļþʱ³ö´í
Service Advantages More
¡¤ [Publishing and Printing] We..
¡¤ [Full Disciplines] Our tran..
¡¤ [Whisper Interpretation] We ..
¡¤ [Simultaneous Interpretation..
¡¤ [Translation Capacity] We ar..

Beijing Address: Room 1507, Building 4, Sun Garden, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100098
Tel: +86-10-82115891 Fax: +86-10-82115892 Email:beijinghyw@126.com MSN:bjhyw@hotmail.com

Shanghai Address: 20G of No. 38 of Caoxi North Road, Shanghai.Post code: 200030
Tel: 0086-21-31200158 Fax: 0086-21-31200158 Email:shkehu@263.net

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