Mr Dong is a senior English translator with rich background knowledge in geograpgy.
He is a Doctor in geography.
Work experience: Laboratory of Biological Resource, XXX Provincial Academy of Natural Resource Sciences 2008.5-2010.3 research of ecology, conservation biology and regional ecological planning Research assistant XXX central station of management and monitoring of radiation environment 2010.4- assessment of environment impact Research assistant
Educational background:
Chengdu No.7 Middle School 1990.9-1996.7 Graduated from junior and senior high school Department of Urban and Environment, Southwest Normal University 1996.9-2000.7 Geography Education, undergraduate Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development of the Ministry of Education; Department of Urban and Resources, Nanjing University 2000.9-2003.7Research of coastal-zone, Physical geography M.Sc. Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, of the CAS and Ministry of Water Conservancy 2003.7-2008.3 Environmental degeneration and ecological restoration Ph. D.
Dissertation title of MS: Study on Environmental Nature and Carrying Capacity of Red-crowned Crane in Rare Birds Natrue Reserve of Yancheng, Jiangsu Dissertation title of PhD: Study on Sustainability of Nature Reserves in Tibet
Additional Training: Completed a course of senior seminar on “water resource and aquatic environment” in October 2001 at Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development of Nanjing University, ratified by the Ministry of Education. Be invited to the 3rd training course on compilation of the 2nd Chorography (1990-2005) of Chengdu, in September 2004 at Pujiang County.
Honor received: Shouldered learning commissary of the class throughout 4 years of university. I obtained certificate of “excellent student” of Southwest Normal Univ. in 1997 and 1998, and excellent member of CCYL of Southwest Normal Univ. in 1999. My article on “Calculation and Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Chengdu in Recent Twenty Years” was entitled first-rank paper of Scientific Research Monthly.