Ms Huang is an English translator with two years translation experiences in astronomy and geography.
Work Experience
2007/8--Present:XXX Telecom Operators (>500 people) [ 4 year and 1month] Industry: Telecom Operators/Service Providers SSDI Technical Translator and administrator Translate the whole company’s technical documents, manuals and presentation documents Provide English training to the staff and graduate trainees Office admin; organize company events such as annual staff meetings, weekly employee activities, stationary management and purchase,and other ad hoc assignment from managers.
2007/3--2007/8: XXX Architectural Services International Co.,Ltd [ 5month] Industry: Architectural Services/Building Materials/Construction GZ PO English Translator Technical meeting interpreter, touching upon issues on pipeline installation, site acceptance, commissioning, safety, project management and contract compliance and other constructional problems. Translate the correspondence, legal documents, contracts and other technical files to and from the client, overall administration of the office filing system, liaison with clients, partners, government officials, contractors and other personnel concerned Interpreter in all rounds of our PM’s contractual and managerial negotiations with governments, partners, contractors and our clients. Contract engineer’s spontaneous interpreter during the meetings concerning contractual liabilities, claims and damages and other legal disputes. Site meeting interpreter to the water supply engineers and M&E engineers
Project Experience 2010/9--Present: XXX Project Project Description: Convegenced digital services, allowing clients to access internet on TV and mobile phones, enjoy TV through mobile phone and etc. Responsibility: Help to produce user manuals and promotional materials for the product
Education 2002/9--2006/6 Sun Yat-sen University English Bachelor
Certifications 2005/5 TEM Level 8 2004/6 BEC3
Language Skills English(Excellent): Listening&Speaking(Excellent),Reading&Writing(Excellent) Chinese Mandarin(Excellent): Listening&Speaking(Excellent),Reading&Writing(Excellent) Cantonese(Excellent): Listening&Speaking(Excellent),Reading&Writing(Excellent) Grade of English: TEM 8 IT Skills Skill Name Skill Level Experience Technical Writer Expert 12Month MS Excel Expert 48Month OutLook Express Expert 48Month MS Powerpoint Expert 48Month Internet Explorer Expert 60Month MS Project Advanced 12Month