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English Chinese Translators More
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¡¤ Ms Lou: French Translator in ..
¡¤ Ms Duan: French Translator in..
¡¤ Ms.Wang: French Translation E..
¡¤ Ms Wen: Swedish interpreter w..
¡¤ Mr Duan:Dutch translator with..
¡¤ Ms Fei:Ukrainian interpreter ..
¡¤ Ms Ji :Ukrainian interpreter ..
¡¤ Mr Han is a Vietnamese interp..
¡¤ Mr Han : Vietnamese interpret..
¡¤ Mr Lan:Vietnamese interpreter..
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Chinese Translation > English Chinese Translators > IT translators

Mr Bao is an IT English translator with 8 years translation experiences.

Work Experience

2010 /1--Present: XXX  Information Techonology Co.Ltd
Industry: Computers,Software
Software R&D Software Engineer
Implement linux client for company intranet security product
Design and Implementation
Project supervisor for AX2012 OneGLS project(Augmentum)
Lead team to provide development and testing service for AX2012 OneGLS,
focusing on China and Japan functionality uptake
Dev manager for Microsoft MBS AX2012 OneGLS project(Beyondsoft)
Lead team to provide development and testing service for AX2012 OneGLS,
focusing on APAC region functionality uptake

Project Experience

2009 /10--2009 /12:Microsoft ERP - Dynamics AX2012 OneGLS  [2 months]
Project Description: Due to new change in AX2012, all the APAC GDL featuresvneed to be implemented based on the new codebase.
Responsibility: Project management
Requirement analysis
Feature design and implementation
Supervise team member
2009 /6--2009 /9:Microsoft ERP - Dynamics AX GDL CN Report Set [3 months]
Project Description: Develop china localized report set based on SQL Server Reporting Service for AX2009.
28 reports in AR and AP module
11 reports in GL module
Responsibility: Project management
Requirement Analysis
Feature design and implementation
Supervise team member
2008 /1--2009 /6:Microsoft ERP - Dynamics AX SE  [1 Year and 5 months]
Project Description: Provide sustain engineering service for AX2009 product over 35 countries
Responsibility: Analysis customer issue to provide hotfix for GDL features
2006 /11--2007 /12: XXX Advertisement Platform  [1 Year and 1 months]
Project Description: Online Advertisement Dilevery System.
Front-end is PHP website to provide service for buyer and seller to publish ad or sell ad space.
Backgound server is based on http server to provide ad content matching,statistics and etc.
Responsibility: Design and implement background advertisement server
2005 /8--2006 /10:SNetTop [1 Year and 2 months]
Project Description: It gets network infomation from control center, then draws a network topology map. Users can adjust the topology map according to the real situation.
Responsibility: Design and code
2004 /7--2005 /7:SNetMan AS For Linux [1 Year]
Project Description: AS is the component carrying out the security policy from control center. It provides safe guarding for the computer, watching current running process and filtering network packets.
Responsibility: Design and code
2002 /9--2004 /7 Shanghai Fudan University Software Engineering Master
1998 /7--2002 /7 Beijing science and technologe university  Computer Science And Technology Bachelor

Microsoft MBS Dynamics AX 

PMI Certificated PMP 
MCITP for Dynamics AX2009
MCITP for Dynamics AX4.0 
Nationwide Software Technology Test Software Designer
National Computer Rank Examination Level 2

Language Skills
English Listening&Speaking(master)£¬Reading&Writing(master) 
Grade of English: CET 6


Chinese Translation Achievements More
¡¤ Machinery & Electronics
¡¤ Medicine & Health
¡¤ Construction Engineering
¡¤ Aviation & Aerospace
¡¤ Iron and Steel
Professional Scope More
¡¤ Multilingual Solurtions For ..
¡¤ Government And International..
¡¤ Energy Sector Multilingual S..
¡¤ Telecommunications Multiling..
¡¤ IT Multilingual Solutions
¡¤ Language Solutions For The M..
¡¤ Law Firms
¡¤ Banking and Finance
Main Languages More
Chinese English German
French Russian Japanese
Korean Spanish Portuguese
Dutch Ukrainian Italian
Polish Danish Greek
Thai Swedish Vietnamese
Language pairs More
´¦Àí SSI Îļþʱ³ö´í
Service Advantages More
¡¤ [Publishing and Printing] We..
¡¤ [Full Disciplines] Our tran..
¡¤ [Whisper Interpretation] We ..
¡¤ [Simultaneous Interpretation..
¡¤ [Translation Capacity] We ar..

Beijing Address: Room 1507, Building 4, Sun Garden, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100098
Tel: +86-10-82115891 Fax: +86-10-82115892 Email:beijinghyw@126.com MSN:bjhyw@hotmail.com

Shanghai Address: 20G of No. 38 of Caoxi North Road, Shanghai.Post code: 200030
Tel: 0086-21-31200158 Fax: 0086-21-31200158 Email:shkehu@263.net

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