Ms Peng is an English translator with three years work experiences in medical equipments.
Work Experience
2008 /3--Present:Shanghai XXX Medical Apparatus Co.,Ltd [ 3 year and 6month] Industry: Medical Facilities/Equipment Administrative department GM Assistant 1.In charge of the follow-up of a Sino-American project. Translate project related documents including contract, manufacturing protocol, testing protocol, academic papers of related researches and interpret at meeting. 2.Coordinates arrangements for guests, teleconferences, meetings, and other events as requested. 3.Coordinate communications with partner on matters such as sub-agreements, research ethics approvals, and technical and financial reporting requirements. 4.Offer support in the design, implementation and monitoring of project activities such as clinical trial, SFDA registration, WHO pre-qualification. 5.Assure overall contract compliance, especially with tracking and monitoring the completion and submission of project deliverables. 6.Assist in preparing expenditure report and tracking reimbursement from partner organizations. 7.Assist the GM in handling correspondence and emails. Ensure effective communication with partners/collaborators. 8.Other administration affairs assigned by the GM such as website construction, visa application and hotel reservation etc.
2007 /6--2008 /1:XXX University of Scinece and Technology [ 7month] Industry: Education/Training/Universities and Colleges Foreign Language Department Lecturer/Teaching Assistant In charge of the teaching of practical writing and mass media reading for English majors. 1.Prepared lessons and made teaching PPT. 2.Marked homework and evaluated their performance. 3.Taught students how to write resume, recommendation letter, letter of complaint and business letter etc. Chose the latest reading material instead of the traditional textbook in order to generate the reading interest of students.
2006 /9--2006 /9: XXX University of Science and Technology [ less than one month] Industry: Education/Training/Universities and Colleges Foreign Language Department Training assistant and interpreter 1.Assisted foreign professor for 4 classes of 120 students by providing one on one tutoring. 2.Provided technical assistance to the professor and offered suggestions on teaching. 3.Promoted the understanding between the professor and the students to ensure teaching effect.
2005 /9--2007 /6: XXX University of Science and Technology [ 1 year and 9month] Industry: Education/Training/Universities and Colleges Foreign Language Department Teaching assistant 1.Taught freshmen and sophomore college English (listening & reading). 2.Monitored tests and assessed students’ performance. 3.Worked in English markers group to mark college entrance examination paper. Education 2005 /9--2007 /6 Huazhong University of Science and Technology English Master Major courses: The research of translation theory & practice, psycholinguistics, theories of linguistics, research method, foreign language pedagogy,second language acquistion, intercultural communication, etc.
Graduation dissertation: An exploratory study on features in English majors development of language aptitude and thinking ability in argumentative compositions (project from National Research Center for Foreign Language)
Scholarship: 2005-2007 scholarship for half tuition of HUST. 2001 /9--2005 /6 Huazhong University of Science and Technology English Bachelor Major courses: Scientific Translation, Interpretation, Comprehensive English, Introduction of Britain & America, Advanced Listening, Advanced English.
Graduation dissertation: translation work (translated 8000 words)
Honors: 2005 Excellent graduate 2002-2003 Honor student of HUST won second-rate scholarship several times Training 2007 /8--2007 /8: Wuhan University of Scinece and Technology, Zhongnan Branch Precareer training of teachers The contents of precareer training of teachers include philosophy and goals of school, education ideology, professional ethics of teachers, capacity development etc. The training is a good start for new teachers who are just graduated from university.
2007 /5 Mandarin Certificate 1B 2005 /3 TEM Level 8 2003 /5 TEM Level 4