010-82115891/5892 021-31200158
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Chinese Translation > English Chinese Translators > Metallic Material translators

Ms Duan is a mining English translator with more than 10 years translation experiences

Work Experience
(Overseas)2007 /3--Present: XXX mining management Co.Ltd(>500 people) [ 5 year] 
Industry: Mining/Metallurgy
general office assistant of director,senior translator, business support officer
A. act as assistant of Project director:
1) Assist directors and engineering manager, for engineering and commericial meetings about mining project. coordinating among different engineering institutes and vendors.
2) Making arrangment for the large scaled meetings with vendors and prepare meeting materials.
3) Draft all kinds of letters for project director and engineer, receive letters and reports from vendors, sort and distribute.
4) Arrange the itinerary of directors/engineering managers, book hotel and air tickets.
B. act as senior translater:
1) Provide translation service for all kinds of meetings, draft meeting minutes, arrange signatures, upload to the system and distribute.
2) Receive collegues and government officers from Australia, guide in Beijing.
C. act as business support officer:
deal with emergency issues, such as:
1) AQIS officer's visit from Australia, assit him to do inspection and advise for equipment and materials delivery
2) Give advise and help to HR department for difficult visa application
3) Purchase office materials for urgent requirements
4) Deal with all kinds of urgent adminastration issues, etc.

(Overseas)1997 /8--2007 /3 XXX iron &steel Co. Ltd(>500 people) [ 9 year and 7month] 
Industry: Mining/Metallurgy
reform office of steel makin plant English Translator
Assist project manager for steel making facilities installation and commissioning on site.such as sublance system, RH,AHF,LF,caster, converter, deS stations etc..
working scope include:
1. Before contract is singed, join in all kinds of technical and commerical meetings for contract negotiation, provide translation service for the project manager and technical team members.
2. After contract is signed, translate all kinds of documents, include constrcution manuals, installtion manuals, commissioning manuals, function discriptions, performance inspection manuals etc.
3. During design review and liasion, site visiting period, provide translation service for the group in abroad, guiding the group and assist team leader for daily affairs.
4. During construction, installtion and commissioning period, provide site service for translation and coordination.
5. Provide translation and assistance service on site for operators training etc.

1992 /8--1997 /8: XXX Iron &Steel Co.Ltd(>500 people) [ 5 year] 
Industry: Mining/Metallurgy
technical department of steel making plant Process Engineer
tracking and improve steel making process
1988 /8--1992 /8 Northeastern University Industrial Engineering Bachelor
iron, steel and alloy metallurgy

Chinese Translation Achievements More
Machinery & Electronics
Medicine & Health
Construction Engineering
Aviation & Aerospace
Iron and Steel
Professional Scope More
Multilingual Solurtions For ..
Government And International..
Energy Sector Multilingual S..
Telecommunications Multiling..
IT Multilingual Solutions
Language Solutions For The M..
Law Firms
Banking and Finance
Main Languages More
Chinese English German
French Russian Japanese
Korean Spanish Portuguese
Dutch Ukrainian Italian
Polish Danish Greek
Thai Swedish Vietnamese
Language pairs More
侃尖 SSI 猟周扮竃危
Service Advantages More
[Publishing and Printing] We..
[Full Disciplines] Our tran..
[Whisper Interpretation] We ..
[Simultaneous Interpretation..
[Translation Capacity] We ar..

Beijing Address: Room 1507, Building 4, Sun Garden, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100098
Tel: +86-10-82115891 Fax: +86-10-82115892 Email:beijinghyw@126.com MSN:bjhyw@hotmail.com

Shanghai Address: 20G of No. 38 of Caoxi North Road, Shanghai.Post code: 200030
Tel: 0086-21-31200158 Fax: 0086-21-31200158 Email:shkehu@263.net

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