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Chinese Translation > English Chinese Translators > Overseas Contract translators

Ms Anna is an English translator with more than 4years translation experiences.

Work Experience
2007 /5--Present: Beijing HuayiNet Translation Co., Ltd. (<50 people) [ 5 year and 10month] 
Industry: Professional Services (Consulting, HR, Finance/Accounting)
Translation Project Manager & Senior Translator/Interpreter
A. Translation (in no particular time order)
a) Translating (as a third-party contractor) cultural, sports, and travel texts for the British Council;
b) Translating (as a third-party contractor) bidding documentation for a Japanese power company;
c) Translating post-merger and acquisition handover documents (company bylaws, procedures, rules, and regulations),

agreements and contracts, stock option plans, ESOP brochures and instructions, HR resources management documentation, and

terms and conditions of warrants for a French power company;
d) Translating joint venture agreements, operation manuals, company flyers, web pages, project proposals, and commissioning

reports for Applied Soil Water Technologies, LLC, a Sparks, Nevada-based provider of engineering solutions;
e) Translating software documentations for Bytemobile Beijing Office;
f) Translating specialized study and market reports for China International Chemical Consulting Corporation (CICCC);
g) Translating documents for an international energy player:
1) Alternative energy-related (operation/maintenance contracts, EIA reports, turbine study, feasibility reports, contracts

for installation works, HSE regulations, and management procedures);
2) Unconventional energy-related (training PPTs; E&P ¨C well testing, analysis, and geological/geochemical completion

reports, drilling logs, coalbed roof and floor analysis, test, and assessment reports, injection and pressure falloff test

reports, petrophysics interpretation reports, drainage/production engineering summaries, surface structure survey and summary

report, frac design, core sample analyses, wireline log interpretation report, basin studies ¨C source rock study and

chemical analyses, regional geology, structural evolution, sequence stratigraphy, sand-body prediction, depositional systems,

reservoir characterization, play identification and characterization, and structural paleogeography; general, legal, and HSSE

¨C minutes of steering committee meetings, research appraisal service agreement, EIA, joint assessment agreement,

environmental survey report, research project agreement, technical service agreement, and draft PSC);
3) Offshore-related (abandonment program, crossing agreement, pipeline protection agreement, financial/accounting principles,

and tie-in agreement);
h) Translating documents for dmg::events/GTI for their GUG2012 event
1) Memorandum, press releases, and ¡°12-5¡± Shale Gas Development Plan of China
i) Translating documents for Green Energy Regional Center (GERC):
1) Solar panel report, partnership agreement, private offering memorandum, and escrow agreement

B. Interpretation (only recent ones listed below)
a) May 2011: Interpreting for Shell Aviation personnel during their audit of a Chinese operator of charter flights;
b) Jun. 2011: Interpreting for dmg::events/GTI:
1) Meeting with NEA officials;
2) Meeting with Sinopec executives;
c) Jul. 2011: Interpreting for dmg::events:
1) Meeting with China Energy Research Society (CERS);
2) Private meeting (dinner) with an MLR official;
d) Jan. 2012: Interpreting for GTI/dmg::events:
1) A shale gas lecture at CNPC Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED), Beijing;
2) Meeting with NEA officials;
3) Private meeting (dinner) with a professor of China University of Geosciences;
4) A shale gas lecture followed by cooperation discussions at RIPED Langfang;
5) Meeting with CNPC China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau, Langfang
e) Mar. 2012: Interpreting for dmg::events:
1) Meeting with a CERS executive

2004 /5--2007 /5:Beijing XXX Business Information & Consulting Ltd.(150-500 people) [3 years] 
Industry: Professional Services (Consulting, HR, Finance/Accounting)
Dept. of Translation Translator/QA of Translations
Main responsibilities from May 2003 to Mar. 2005:
Translating credit reports and other report products;

Main responsibilities from Apr. 2005 to Jul. 2007, as Quality Controller of the Credit Information Translation Dept.:
Overseeing translation quality and correcting reports translated by fellow workers;
Training recruits;
Translating important reports, agreements/contracts, and other documents of a legal nature;
Developed and implemented the knowledge system and translation scoring system of the Translation Dept.;

2001 /9--2004 /7 Beijing Foreign Studies University    English Master
1997 /9--2001 /7 North China University of Technology (NCUT) English Bachelor
2000 /5 TEM Level 8 
2006 /2 Grade II Certificate for Translators, Ministry of Personnel of PRC 
2008/5  CATTI-3 English translation
2008/11 CATTI-3 English interpretation

Chinese Translation Achievements More
¡¤ Machinery & Electronics
¡¤ Medicine & Health
¡¤ Construction Engineering
¡¤ Aviation & Aerospace
¡¤ Iron and Steel
Professional Scope More
¡¤ Multilingual Solurtions For ..
¡¤ Government And International..
¡¤ Energy Sector Multilingual S..
¡¤ Telecommunications Multiling..
¡¤ IT Multilingual Solutions
¡¤ Language Solutions For The M..
¡¤ Law Firms
¡¤ Banking and Finance
Main Languages More
Chinese English German
French Russian Japanese
Korean Spanish Portuguese
Dutch Ukrainian Italian
Polish Danish Greek
Thai Swedish Vietnamese
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´¦Àí SSI Îļþʱ³ö´í
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¡¤ [Full Disciplines] Our tran..
¡¤ [Whisper Interpretation] We ..
¡¤ [Simultaneous Interpretation..
¡¤ [Translation Capacity] We ar..

Beijing Address: Room 1507, Building 4, Sun Garden, Haidian District, Beijing. Post Code: 100098
Tel: +86-10-82115891 Fax: +86-10-82115892 Email:beijinghyw@126.com MSN:bjhyw@hotmail.com

Shanghai Address: 20G of No. 38 of Caoxi North Road, Shanghai.Post code: 200030
Tel: 0086-21-31200158 Fax: 0086-21-31200158 Email:shkehu@263.net

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