Ms Mao is a technology English translator with five years work experiences.
Work Experience
2005 /7--2011 /7:Beijing XXX Science&Technology Co. Ltd.(50-150 people) [ 6 year] Industry: Others Translation translator and proofreader To translate patent files in the fields of Agriculture, Biology, Medicine and Mechanics among others, and to correct translated files.
2002 /6--2002 /12:Beijing XXX Institute [ 6month] Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology International Cooperation Research Specialist Staff Research work on genome sequcencing.
Education (Overseas)2003 /1--2005 /7 National University of Singapore Biological Science, Biotechnology Master Biophysical Methods in Life Science, Molecular Recognition and Interaction, Trends in Biotechnology, Seminar on "Host-Pathogen Interactions", etc.
1999 /9--2002 /6 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Botanic Protection Master Advanced Plant Pathology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Experiments of Molecular Biology, etc.
1995 /9--1999 /7 Southwest Agricultural University (Current name: Southwest University) Botanic Protection Bachelor Botany,Entomology,Microbiology,Plant Pathology,Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural Plant Pathogloy, Genetics, Plant Breeding, Pesticide Science, Test Design and Statistics, etc.
Certifications 2004 /7 Qulification Certificate of Translation Proficiency (Consecutive Interpretation) 2002 /5 English Translation Certificate 2001 /5 TOEFL 657 2000 /9 GRE 2150 1997 /6 CET6
Language Skills English Listening&Speaking(Very Good),Reading&Writing(Excellent) Grade of English: CET 6 TOFEL: 657 GRE: 2150 |