Native Foreign Translators
We’ve been consistently working on the allocation of domestic and foreign translation resources and technical resources in order to apply these resources into translation projects ever since the establishment of HuayiNet. So far, we are holding fine cooperative relations with more than 800 experts, professors, linguists and engineers from over 20 countries such as America, England, Germany and France, etc.
All the translation projects of which the objective languages are Asian languages will be done by native translators, for example translators from Japan, Korea and Thailand, etc.
Foreign translators mainly come from local scientific research institutions and colleges, part of which are freelancers who do have passions for and persistence in translation.
Chinese Translators
We have top-class proofreaders coming from all over China and overseas returnees.
We have professionals coming from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Remin University of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other institutes and colleges.
We have about 8900 translators majored in foreign languages with many years’ translation experiences, among which 8000 translators and experts are majored in English while nearly 1000 ones are majored in foreign languages other than English. Most of them are possessing senior job titles and master degrees or above; many of them are holding senior technical job title of translator, including professors, associate professors, researchers, associate researchers, proofreaders and even diplomats.