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软件本地化行业业绩 |
1. Objectiva 英译中和法 xPression 2.0 xDesign xResponse xRevise (Document Sciences Corporation) 2. Locatech 德译中 Pump Technology 3. Worksoft 英译中 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 4. 用友公司 中译英 OA及网上银行 系统界面与全部文档 (如:string.U8.HR.HB.HBSQL.UI, string.U8.HR.HB) 5. mictechtrans.nl http://itools.de/xml-schemas/TlxPackage.xsd 6. Boeing 737 Training Document/Data Package Localization Project (飞行员培训手册本地化和Framemaker6.0排版,远程培训多媒体教材本地化) 94 document files in the following format: Word, PDF, JPEG, FrameMaker and Power Point: Examination Questions Forms ITC- Procedures- Training Specification CCAR-PART-142 (Regulatory Documents/B-737 Approved Flight Training Programs) CCAR_Part_142_General _Operations (Regulatory Documents/General operations) Kunming Floor Plans (General Operations) Framemaker files 593 audio stream text files English into Chinese 7. Coleparmer website localization English into Chinese |