公司规模:1 - 49人 公司性质:外商独资.外企办事处 公司行业:中介服务,专业服务(咨询·财会·法律等)
职位性质:全职 发布日期:2009-3-10 截止日期:2009-11-30 工作经验:3-5年 学历要求:本科以上 招聘人数:1人 语言能力:英语/熟练 简历语言:中文和英文 工作地点:上海 职位类别:英语(翻译类)+总裁助理·总经理助理(经营管理类)+经理助理·秘书·文员(行政·后勤类) 职位类别详述: 职位描述: 一大型合资企业(码头物流)急聘
秘书兼翻译 急!!!(1-上海)
职责: 1.负责公司外事接待,做好英语的口译和笔译工作; 2.协助企业管理岗人员将公司的方针目标展开与分解,将公司的方针目标分解到各部室,并进行协调与协 助督办; 3.负责公司重要会议的安排; 4.起草、印发有关的会议纪要、文件、报告、信函等工作; 5.协助总经理做好日常工作安排及各类项目的跟踪工作; 6.做好公司重大会议的会务工作; 7.负责出国手续的办理等外事工作
要求: 1.男性,本科学历,有3年左右秘书岗位经验; 2.了解总经理办公室工作特点及流程; 3.良好口头、书面表达能力; 4.熟练运用office工具 5. 若是女性的话最好已婚已育
另外: 工作地点外高桥, 公司有班车提供, 公司福利不错,有补充公积金,补充养老金,补充医疗保险
公司介绍: Tri-Wins (泰维咨询) was formed by a group of experienced professionals in an effort to provide management consulting,trainings and executive search services to multinationals and local companies. Our Mission : help your business and career growth Our Service Philosophy : When you win, we win Our Vision : Be your first choice
We have a team of experienced consultants who are specialized in various industries.They have good knowledge and understanding about the assignments that they are working on and understand the unique culture of different organizations.The industries that we specialize include : -Industrial Engineering Projects -Electronics Manufacturing Service ( EMS ) -Semiconductor / IC design -Information Technology -Automotive Parts -Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry
Tri-Win provides job seekers with career advice & tips that we hope will be useful to you in advancing your career.
For more vacancies and more about us, you are invited to visit www.tri-wins.com
联系方式: 公司网址:www.tri-wins.com E-mail:info@tri-wins.com |