英文翻译 深圳市物流与供应链管理协会
公司行业:学术/科研 交通/运输/物流
发布日期:2009-07-03 工作地点: 深圳 招聘人数: 若干 工作年限:一年以上 外语要求: 英语 精通 学 历: 本科
职位描述 有一年以上工作经验 英文八级 沟通能力强 有一定的市场拓展能力
深圳市物流与采购联合会(英文SHENZHEN FEDERATION OF LOGISTICS & PURCHASING 英文缩写为SZFLP)是经深圳市民政局核准注册登记的社会团体法人.联合会成立于1994年,随着深圳现代物流与采购业的崛起,联合会迅速发展壮大.2005年9月为了更好的适应服务内涵的扩充需求和会员企业的扩展要求,由深圳市物流协会更名为深圳市物流与采购联合会。
深圳市物流与采购联合会是深圳市成立早,规模大,功能全,服务优,权威强,专业精的非盈利性社团组织。会员由物流与采购业,生产制造业,商贸流通业,金融业,法律界,信息产业,科研机构, 大专院校构成。会员以深圳及珠江三角洲为主,遍布国内各省市和亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲、北美洲等地。
Shenzhen Federation of Logistics & purchasing (SZFLP), established in 1994, is authorized by the Shenzhen Industry Association Bureau, and registered in State Council as a non-profit social organization. Along with the rising of Shenzhen modern logistics industry, SZFLP grows faster and becomes stronger. SZFLP has the features such as establishing early, performing in large scale and complete function, providing high authoritative and professional service. The membership is made up of the logistics and purchasing industry, manufacture industry, trade industry, financial insititution, legal professionals, IT industry, scientific and education institutions, etc. The membership is mainly based in Shenzhen and the place of Pearl River Delta, and meanwhile, SZFLP also has the members from Asia, Europe, the Ocean Continent and North America. Shenzhen, the model modern logistics & purchasing industry city of China, has taken up a leading position in China. As the bridge between the government and the enterprises, SZFLP is playing an increasingly important role in the modern logistics and purchasing industry.
地 址:福田区车公庙福安大厦办公区三楼
联 系 人:魏小姐 |