注: 1、全部符合本公司招聘条件者才需要进行测试,以避免不必要的时间浪费。 2、测试合格的我们一般会在1周内答复。不符合招聘条件或测试不合格者,恕不一一答复。 3、测试合格并不意味着正式合作时一定合格。若接到我们的正式委托任务,请务必珍惜正式合作的机会,避免出现以下栏目里描述的新译者正式合作时又不合格的情况:/rencaizhaopin/ceshiyiwenpingjia.shtml 4、所有测试内容全部摘自我们以往承担的翻译项目,专业性不强,但是都是难、长句子,语言本身的难度很大,适用于任何专业的人进行公共外语测试。所有内容均有正确译文,无需怀疑被恶意窃取劳动成果。 5、建议全部翻译,便于我们准确判定您的真实翻译水平。 6、在测试前务必阅读我们总结的翻译要领,即使是老译者,因为很多做了几十年翻译或自称翻译数百万字的译者没有听过我们的测试,也未必真正理解翻译的真谛。要么英文理解能力不足,要么中文表达水平不够。 7、本测试是公共外语翻译测试,因为最最重要的是翻译基本功。测试通过后,在正式安排翻译任务时,我们才考虑专业背景,我们会严格按照译者的学历专业和从业工作专业经验分派任务。自称什么都懂的译者我们是不会与其合作的。
Technology changes so rapidly that no scientist or engineer can keep up with his own field, much less with technology in general.
For an idea of what is to come—in magnitude if not in specifics—look to the past. In the last ninety years, the world has shrunk, while human experience has expanded almost beyond the recognition of those who grew up in our grandparents’ generation.
In transportation and communications, the changes have been even more pronounced.
In 1945, when the first atomic bomb fused the sand of Alamogordo, New Mexico, the shot was not heard around the world; rumors of a massive explosion in the desert were easily contained. Only a half century later, someone born in Massachusetts is more likely than not to attend college in Chicago, find a job in Seattle, vacation in Mexico, and retire in Florida.
From our offices in suburban Virginia and rural New Hampshire, Paris, Singapore, Buenos Aires , and Sydney are all as close as Washington and Boston, none more distant than the few steps to the computer.(请找到主语再翻译,正确率只有5%)
Around the globe, we will spend the rest of our lives finding things to say to people we will never meet in person.
Furthermore, political decisions are typically taken on the basis of the distributional consequences — which groups will be advantaged — rather than the overall welfare of society. Costs are not necessarily assessed against the marginal benefits. A recent substantial increase in the subsidy to tertiary students was arguably driven more by advantaging a particular group than by enhancing the social return from public investment in education.
Upon submission of a complete program, EPA will conduct a public hearing, if interest is shown, and determine whether to approve or disapprove the program(项目) taking into consideration the requirements of this part, the Safe Drinking Water Act and any comments received.
As used in this part, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them by the Act.
Exceedance with respect to a national ambient air quality standard means one occurrence of a measured or modeled concentration that exceeds the specified concentration level of such standard for the averaging period specified by the standard.
For multiple fuel combustion installations, the regulations for the particular fuels shall apply respectively; notwithstanding, the requirements for solid fuels concerning the reduction of dust emissions shall apply for a period of four hours after the change-over from solid to gaseous fuels or to fuel oils listed in DIN 51603 Part 1.
In this environment, management education must prepare students to contribute to their organizations and the larger society and to grow personally and professionally throughout their careers. The objective of management education accreditation(工商管理教育认证) is to assist programs to meet these challeges.
(来源:20110464 材料2-2 P174-P179)
The content was developed based on experiences from AACSB peer reviews, feedback from AACSB accreditation committees, discussions from AACSB Conferences and Seminars, as well as other general feedback. Additionally, the paper draws significantly from materials that can be found in the Assessment Resource Center.
The AOL standards support two principles which are the foundation of AACSB accreditation, accountability and continuous improvement. In terms of accountability, “…Measures of learning(学习测评) can assure external constituents such as potential students, trustees, public officials, supporters, and accreditors, that the organization meets its goals”. In terms of continuous improvement,“… By measuring goals, can use the measures to plan improvement efforts, and (depending on the type of measures)can provide feedback and guidance for individual students”.
(20110464 材料1-3 P181)