陈永顺 |
陈永顺 Email: johnyc(at)pku.edu.cn 联系电话: 010-62758277 个人主页: http://geophy.pku.edu.cn/itag/staff/homepage.php?name=陈永顺 办公室: 理科2号楼2819S 职称职务: 教授/高级职称 教授,“长江学者”特聘教授 博士,美国普林斯顿大学 Ph.D.Princeton U,1989 主要研究方向: 全球板块构造, 海洋地球物理学, 地球动力学 工作情况、研究方向 主要研究方向: 全球板块构造 海洋地球物理学 地球动力学 个人简历 出生时间、出生地: 1956 山东省高密县 教育背景: 1978.02-1982.07 学士(地球物理学) 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系 1983.08-1985.06 硕士(地球物理学) 美国普林斯顿大学地质和地球物理学系 1985.07-1989.04 博士(地球物理学) 美国普林斯顿大学地质和地球物理学系 工作经历: 1989.05-1990.12 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋研究院 博士后 1991.01-1996.06 美国俄勒冈州立大学海洋研究院 助理教授 1994.06-1994.09 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋研究院 访问教授 1995.06-1995.09 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋研究院 访问教授 1996.07-2002.12 美国俄勒冈州立大学海洋研究院 副教授 2004.04-2004.08 日本爱媛大学理学部地球动力学研究中心 访问教授2001.09- 至今 中国北京大学地球物理学系 “长江学者”特聘教授 2001.10- 至今 中国北京大学地球与空间科学学院、理论与应用地球物理研究所所长 荣誉、获奖情况: 1989-1990 获美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋研究院Green Scholar奖学金 1994-1995 获美国南加州大学地震研究中心奖学金 1994-1995 获美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋研究院Green Scholar奖学金 2001-2004 获中国教育部长江学者奖励计划 特聘教授 2002-2005 获中国国家杰出青年科学基金 学术或社会职务: 1983- 至今 美国地球物理学会, 美国地质学会 会员 1999- 至今 中国地球科学促进会(IPACES) 会员 2001- 至今 中国地球物理学会 会员 1994- 1997 美国地球物理学研究杂志(固体地球) 编委 (Associate editor, JGR-Solid Earth) 1994- 1997 美国西太平洋地球物理联合会构造委员会 主席 1997- 2002 美国勘探地球物理学会俄勒冈州立大学 教授顾问 2002- 2004 中国国家自然科学基金委员会第九届地球科学部专家评审组 委员 2001- 2003 国际综合大洋钻探计划临时科学指导和评估委员会 委员 (Member, interim Science Steering & Evaluation Panel, ODP) 2003- 至今 中国综合大洋钻探计划专家委员会 委员 (Member, Science Steering Committee, IODP-China) 2003- 至今 国际大洋中脊协会中国执委会主席 (Chair, Steering Committee of InterRidge-China) 2004- 至今 国际综合大洋钻探计划科学指导和评估委员会 委员(Member, Science Steering & Evaluation Panel, IODP) 2004- 至今 海洋地球物理学杂志 主编 Co-Editor in Chief (w/ Dr. Peter Clift, USA) Marine Geophysical Researches 学术论著 国际刊物论文(共28篇, *号标明为10篇主要论著): Chen, Y., Thermal model of oceanic transform faults, Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 8839-8851, 1988. Chen, Y., A mechanical model for the inside corner uplift at a ridge-transform fault intersection, Journal of Geophysical Research,, 94, 9275-9282, 1989. Chen, Y., Dynamics of Mid-Ocean Ridge Systems, Ph. D. Thesis, 222 pp., Princeton University, 1989. *Chen, Y., and W. J. Morgan, Rift valley/no rift valley transition at mid-ocean ridges, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 17,571-17,581, 1990. *Chen, Y., and W. J. Morgan, A nonlinear-rheology model for mid-ocean ridge axis topography, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 17,583-17,604, 1990. *Chen, Y., and J. B. Minster, Slip line model for southern California crustal kinematics, Tectonics, 10, 577-586, 1991. *Chen, Y., Oceanic crustal thickness versus spreading rate, Geophysical Research Letters, 19, 753-756, 1992. *Phipps Morgan, J., and Y. J. Chen, The genesis of oceanic crust: Magma injection, hydrothermal circulation, and crustal flow, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 6283-6297, 1993. *Phipps Morgan, J., and Y. J. Chen, Dependence of ridge-axis morphology on magma supply and spreading rate, Nature, 364, 706-708, 1993. Phipps Morgan, J., and Y. J. Chen, Reply, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 12,031-12,032, 1994. Phipps Morgan, J., Y. J. Chen, and others, An observational and theoretical synthesis of magma geometry and crustal genesis along a Mid-Ocean Spreading Center, in Magmatic Systems, ed. by M. Ryan, Academic Press, San Diego, Chapter 7, pp. 139-178, 1994. Bonatti, E., Y. J. Chen, and others, Transform migration and vertical tectonics at the Romanche Fracture Zone, equatorial Atlantic, Journal of Geophysical Research 99, 21,779-21,802, 1994. Enriquez, K. D., and Y. J. Chen, A three-dimensional gravity study of the Pacific-Antarctic East Pacific Rise/Menard transform intersection, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 17,813-17,822, 1995. *Chen, Y. J., and J. Phipps Morgan, The effect of magma emplacement geometry, spreading rate, and crustal thickness on hydrothermal heat flux at mid-ocean ridge axes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 11,475-11,482, 1996. Chen, Y. J., Constraints on the melt production rate beneath the mid-ocean ridges based on passive flow models, Pure and Applied Geophys., 146, 590-620, 1996. Chen, Y. J., Dynamic of the Mid-Ocean Ridge plate boundary: Recent observations and theory, Pure and Applied Geophys., 146, 621-648, 1996. *Chen, Y. J., K. D. Enriquez, and P. Lonsdale, Does the mid-ocean ridge propagate concurrently both on the seafloor and at depth? Implications from a gravity study of a large nontransform offset at 36.5?S, East Pacific Rise, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 28,281-28,289, 1996. Baker, E. T., Y. J. Chen, and J. Phipps Morgan, Relationship between hydrothermal cooling and the spreading rate of mid-ocean ridges, Earth Plant. Sci. Lett., 142, 137-145, 1996. *Chen, Y. J. and J. Lin, Mechanisms for the formation of ridge-axis topography at slow-spreading ridges: a lithospheric-plate flexural model, Geophys. J. International, 136, 8-18, 1999. * Chen, Y. J., Dependence of crustal accretion and ridge axis topography on spreading rate, mantle temperature, and hydrothermal cooling, in Dilek, Y., Moores, E.M., Elthon, D., and Nicolas, A., eds., Ophiolites and Oceanic Crust: New Insights from Field Studies and the Ocean Drilling Program; Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 349, p. 161-179, 2000. Chen, Y. J., Thermal effects of gabbro accretion from a deeper second melt lens at the fast spreading East Pacific Rise, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 8581-8588, 2001. Graham, D., G. Ito, and Y. J. Chen, Physical and chemical effects of mantle plume-spreading ridge interaction, RIDGE Events, v.11, No. 2, p. 12, 2001. Chen, Y. J., Seafloor spreading and dynamics of mid-ocean ridges, as Chapter 8 in Earth’s Structure, Evolution and Dynamics, edited by Y. Zhang and A. Yin, Chinese Higher Education Press, Beijing, p. 283-329, 2002 (in Chinese). *Chen, Y. J., Influence of the Iceland mantle plume on crustal accretion at the inflated Reykjanes Ridge – Magma lens and low hydrothermal activity? Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B11), 2524, 10.1029/2001JB000816, 12 November 2003. *Chen, Y. J. and J. Lin, High sensitivity of ocean ridge thermal structure to changes in magma supply: the Galapagos Spreading Center, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 221, 263-273, 2004. Chen, Y. J. (2004), Modeling the thermal state of the oceanic crust, in Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions Between the Lithosphere and Oceans, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 148, edited by C. R. German, J. Lin, and L.M. Parson, pp. 95-110, AGU, Washington, D. C. Zhang, Z. and Y. J. Chen, Preliminary study of depth distribution of crystal size within the gabbro layer of oceanic crust, Chinese Geophysics Journal, (in Chinese), 47(4), 610-615, 2004. 张志刚和陈永顺,海洋地壳辉长岩层中晶体颗粒随深度分布的初步探讨,地球物理学报,47(4), 610-615, 2004。 尹安和陈永顺,自新生代以来亚洲大陆构造演化史的初步总体回顾,第四章,97-133页,“地球的环境、自然灾害和大地构造动力学”,主编:陈永顺,地球科学进展与评论,第二卷,高等教育出版社,北京,2004年12月。 陈永顺,海洋地壳热结构和生成机制的概述,第八章,195-221页,“地球的环境、自然灾害和大地构造动力学”,主编:陈永顺,地球科学进展与评论,第二卷,高等教育出版社,北京,2004年12月。 Chen, Y.J. (2004),Thermal structure and accretion mechanisms of the oceanic crust, in Environment, Natural Hazards, and Global Tectonics of the Earth, Advances in Earth Sciences, vol. 2, edited by Y. J. Chen, pp. 195-221, Higher Education Press, Beijing. 陈永顺 (主编),“地球的环境、自然灾害和大地构造动力学”,地球科学进展与评论,第二卷,252页,高等教育出版社,北京,2004年12月。 Y. J. Chen, InterRidge-China Update: Significant Progress in Ridge Crest Research in China, InterRidge News, v.13, No. 2, p. 14, 2004. Pei, S., Y.J. Chen, D. Zhao, A. Yin, J. Ning, and X.F. Chen (2005), Tomographic Structure of East Asia: 1. No fast (slab) anomalies beneath 660-km discontinuity, Journal of Geophysical Research, revised in February 2005. Chen, Y.J., S. Pei, S., D. Zhao, A. Yin, J. Ning, and X.F. Chen (2005), Tomographic Structure of East Asia: 2. Stagnant slab above 660-km discontinuity and its geodynamic implications, Journal of Geophysical Research, revised in February 2005. |