邱凌云 |
邱凌云 专业: 管理科学与工程 系别: 管理科学与信息系统系 职称: 讲师(助理教授)
办公电话:(86-10) 6275-7557 Email:qiu@gsm.pku.edu.cn
教育背景 2006.3 信息系统博士,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (The University of British Columbia) 2002.8 信息系统硕士,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (The University of British Columbia) 1998.8 工学硕士,上海交通大学 1994.8 工学学士,上海交通大学
工作经历 2006.3 - 至今 北京大学光华管理学院 助理教授 2000 - 2006 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)Sauder 商学院 教学、科研助理 1994.9 - 1999.3 上海交通大学安泰管理学院 教师
教授课程 电子商务 电子商务与网上营销
管理信息系统研究专题 企业绩效管理 企业信息技术 数据库管理与商务智能
研究领域 电子商务 在线消费者行为 管理信息系统 人机交互设计 决策支持系统 虚拟现实 主要研究成果 Journal Papers Qiu, L. and Benbasat, I., “Evaluating Anthropomorphic Product Recommendation Agents: A Social and Relational Perspective to Designing Information Systems,” Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol.25, No.4, pp.145-182, 2009. Qiu, L., “An Investigation into the Effects of Information Valence and Emotion Cues of Online Word-of-Mouth on Persuasion,” Journal of Marketing Science (in Chinese), Vol.4, No.4, pp.32-44, 2009. Qiu, L., and Li, D., “Applying TAM in B2C E-Commerce Research: An Extended Model,” Tsinghua Science & Technology, Vol.13, No.3, pp.237-243, 2008. Qiu, L. and Benbasat, I., “An Investigation into the Effects of Text-to-Speech Voice and 3D Avatars on the Perception of Presence and Flow of Live Help in Electronic Commerce,” ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol.12, No.4, pp.329-355, 2005. Qiu, L. and Benbasat, I., “Online Consumer Trust and Live Help Interface: The Effects of Text-to-Speech Voice and 3D Avatars,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.19, No.1, pp.75-94, 2005.
Conference Papers Cai, J., Qiu, L., Ren, F., "A Service Integration Model of Value Creation: A Study of Commercial Online Communities", Proceedings of the Fourteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, Canada, 2008. Yin, D., Qiu, L., Dong, X., “Using Blogs to Enhance Management Education: An Empirical Study,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2007), Auckland, New Zealand, 2007. Qiu, L., Jiang, Z. and Benbasat, I., “Real Experience in Your Virtual Store: Designing Presence in Online Shopping,” Proceedings of the Tenth Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006. Qiu, L. and Benbasat, I., “The Effects of Text-To-Speech Voice and 3D Avatars on Consumer Trust in the Design of Live Help Interface of Electronic Commerce,” Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2004), New York, USA, 2004.