4. Variable Selection for Dual System Census.
US Census Bureau $65,000 from Jan 2010-Dec 2011.
1. Empirical Likelihood and Computation, Australian Research Council Large Grant, 1994-1996; $10,000, jointly with B. M. Brown
2. Non-parametric Curve Estimation, Australian Research Council International Exchange grant, 1998-1999, $13,000.
3. Applications of Empirical Likelihood in Semi- and Non-parametric Statistical Inference, National University of Singapore Academic Research Grant, Nov 2002-Nov 2003, $46,306.
4. Computer-Intensive Statistical Methods for Testing Specifications of Financial Market Models, National University of Singapore Academic Research Grant, 17-Dec. 2001 - 31-Dec. 2004, $88,300.
5. A Nonparametric Approach to Population Size Estimation for Multiple Systems Capture-Recapture surveys, National Science Foundation: SES-0518904, 09.2005 - 08. 2009, $280,416,
Co-PIs: S. Nusser and J. Opsomer.
6. A Supplement to NSF SES 0650938 : A Nonparametric Approach to Population Size Estimation for Multiple System Capture-Recapture Surveys
US Census Bureau via NSF $19,080.00
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