虞吉海 专业: 系别: 商务统计与经济计量系 职称: 副教授 办公电话:62760702 Email:jihai.yu@gsm.pku.edu.cn 学习经历 Ph.D. Economics, Ohio State University, June, 2007 M.A., Economics, Ohio State University, June 2002
M.A., Economics, Fudan University, June 200
B.A., Economics, Fudan University, June 1998 工作经历 Assistant Professor, Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, 2007-
Associate Professor, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, 2010- 研究领域 Spatial Econometrics, Panel Data 成果
A Unified Transformation Approach for the Estimation of Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models: Stability, Spatial Cointegration and Explosive Roots, with Lung-fei Lee, 2010. Handbook on Empirical Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
Some Recent Developments in Spatial Panel Data Models, with Lung-fei Lee, 2010. Regional Science and Urban Economics 40, 255-271.
Estimation of Unit Root Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models, with Lung-fei Lee, 2010. Econometric Theory 26, 1332-1362.
A Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model With Both Time and Individual Fixed Effects, with Lung-fei Lee, 2010. Econometric Theory 26, 564-597.
Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects, with Lung-fei Lee, 2010. Journal of Econometrics 154, 165-185.
Spatial Nonstationarity and Spurious Regression: The Case with Row-Normalized Spatial Weights Matrix, with Lung-fei Lee, 2009. Spatial Economic Analysis 4:3, 301-327.
Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Dynamic Panel Data With Fixed Effects When Both n and T Are Large, with Robert de Jong and Lung-fei Lee, 2008. Journal of Econometrics 146, 118-134.