王建国 专业: 市场营销 系别: 市场营销系 职称: 教授 办公电话:86-10-62757763 Email:wangjg@gsm.pku.edu.cn 学位: Monash 大学经济学博士; Luven 大学工商管理硕士;武汉大学政治经济学学士
任教经历:北京大学、新加坡国立大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、新南威尔士大学(UNSW)、 Monash 大学;
Selected Publications:
In Refereed Journals:
“China’s population policy and design alternatives: using the market to regulate China’s population growth”, with Lim and Smyth, Asia Profile, Vol. 30 No. 5: 379-392, Oct. 2002
“Attitude choice, economic change and welfare”, with Y. K. Ng, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 45: 279-291, 2001
"Efficiency, Performance and Changing Corporate Governance in China's Township-Village Enterprises Since the 1990s", with Smyth and Quek, Asian Pacific Economic Literature, 15(1): 30-41, May 2001
“Corporate governance and ownership reform in China’s State-Owned Enterprises”, with Tang and Smyth, Asia Profile, 29(2): 93-107, April 2001
“Effects of Confucianism on Economic Development”, with Smyth and Tan, Journal of International and Area Studies, 7(1): 115-135, June 2000
“Pursuit of relative utility under monopolistic competition”, with X. K. Yang, Singapore Economic Review, 43(1): 82-96, 1999
“Pursuit of conspicuous consumption in monopolistic competition”, In Increasing Returns and Economics Analysis, edited by Kenneth J Arrow (a Nobel Prize winner in economics), pp367-382, UK: Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1998
"Consumption of Relative Utility and Monopolistic Competition", In The 2cd Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting Proceedings, edited by Mohamed Addel-Ghany, pp. 182-91, Purdue University, 1997
"Pursuit of Relative Utility and Division of Labor", with Xiaokai Yang, Journal of Comparative Economics, No.23, pp20-37, 1996
"A case for cardinal utility and non-arbitrary choice of commodity units", with Y. K. Ng., Social Choice and Welfare, 12, pp255-266, 1995
"Relative Income, Aspiration Level and Environment Quality: Why Rat Race for Economic Growth May Lead to Welfare Loss", with Y.K. Ng, Mathematical Social Sciences, 26, pp3-23, 1993
"Economic Growth, Commercialization, and Institutional Changes in Rural China, 1979-1987", with Yang and Wills, China Economic Review, 3 No.1, pp1-37, 1992
"Context of consumption and utility Level", Journal of Consumer Economics, 4, pp34-37,1995
"A Development Strategy for China's Special Economic Zone", Journal of Chinese Coast Economy, No. 5, 1995
"Cultural Differences and Economic Development - Three Essays", Journal of Economic Reform, No. 1, 1995, pp. 106-114
"Some principles for economic policy decision making", Journal of Economic Reform, No. 2, 1995
"Advantages and Disadvantages of Confucianism to Economic Development - A New View Point", with Yew-Kwang Ng, Hong Kong Economic Journal, No. 3, pp. 71-76., 1994.
"A Soft Population Control Policy: A possible Solution to China's Population Crisis" Papers of Center for Modern China, No. 15 NJ USA, 1992
"The Structure of Property Rights and Commercialization" Papers of Center for Modern China, with Yang and Wills, No. 1, Volume 3, NJ. USA 1992.
"The Third Way of the Chinese Economic System Reform: Establish an Institution of Competition". Chinese Intellectuals, Summer Issue, Vol. 7, No 4, 1992, NY, USA
"Foreign Trade and International Marketing Strategies for China", Economic Research Reference, No 9, pp. 1-13, 1986
"Theoretical Logic of Property Rights Economics", China & Development, No 5, 1988.
"Trade, Investment, and Economic Prospects in China's Three Economies--China's mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong", Editor, Published by National Development Center, Australia National University. 1993.
“An Economic Analysis of Human Irrational Behaviour”, Sichun People Press 2001
Reports and non-refereed papers (from countless non refereed articles in magezines, newspapers and other publications
"The Structure of Competition", Forum of Chinese Economist Society (Chinese Economists Society is a Member of American Economic Association), P14-29, Volume 6, No. 1, 1992
Contract Report: ACCCI Submission to Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade, Australia, 1993.
Paper Presented:
1) "The Reform of Property Rights System in China", The International Conference China's Economy Towards 2000: Challenges and Opportunities for Australia at La Trobe University, February 1995.
2) "Pursuit of Relative Utility in General Competitive Equilibrium", Australasian Econometrics Society Annual Meeting, Sydney University, 1993. The 1994 American Economic Association Boston Meeting
3) "Pursuit of Relative Utility in Monopolistic Competition" Far East Meeting of Econometrics Society, (Full financial support was awarded by the Conference), Taipei, Taiwan, 1993. The 1994 American Economic Association Boston Meeting
4) "Pursuit of Relative Utility and Division of Labour", The 1994 American Economic Association Boston Meeting.
5) "A case for cardinal utility and non-arbitrary choice of commodity units", The 1994 American Economic Association Boston Meeting, with Yew-kwang Ng.
6) "Economic Growth, Commercialization, and Institutional Changes in Rural China, 1979-1987", 19th (1990) Australia Economists Annual Conference, NSW University.
7) "Relative Income, Aspiration Level and Environment Quality: Why Rat Race for Economic Growth May Lead to Welfare Loss", 20th (1991) Australia Economists Annual Conference, Tasmania University
8) "The Structure of Competition Criteria", Chinese Economists Association Annual Conference in Maryland University, USA, 1991 (the paper was accepted and published; I was awarded the fully financial support by the conference Committee, but I did not attend the conference because of time problem);
9) "The Structure of Property Rights and Commercialization", International Conference on Trade, Investment and Economic Prospects in China's Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong (1992), Monash University.
10) "Crisis and Development Strategy of China's Special Economic Zones", International Symposium on the Future and Development of China's Special Economic Zones (6, 1995), Xiamen, China. The paper was awarded the best paper of the conference.
11) "Division of labor and Conspicuous Consumption", The First Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting (7, 1995), Shah Alam, Malaysia. One of the organizers of China session
12) "Conspicuous Consumption and Monopolistic Competition", Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis: an International Conference in Honor of Professor Kenneth J. Arrow (9, 1995), Melbourne.
13) "Consumption of Relative Utility and Monopolistic Competition", in the 2cd Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting, Guangzhou, China. 3-6 July 1997.
14) “Positional consumption and monopolistic competition”, Canada Economic Association 1997 Meeting, St Johns, Canada.
15) “Attitude choice, economic change and welfare”, LACEA 2000 Meeting, Rio, Brazil (10/2000).
16) “Some distinguishing features of marketing environment in China” , Keynote speech address, World Marketing Congress 2003, Perth, Australia.