刘国恩博士—北京大学光华管理学院经济学教授,北大光华卫生经济与管理研究院执行院长,北京大学中国医药经济研究中心主任,博士生导师。刘国恩教授曾执教美国南加利福尼亚大学(1995-1999);美国北卡大学(2000- 终身教职);中国留美经济学会2004-2005届主席;以及国际医药经济学会亚太联合会主席。刘国恩教授目前担任国务院城镇居民医疗保险试点评估专家组成员;人力资源与社会保障部专家委员会委员;卫生部国家突发公共卫生事件专家委员会委员;中国药物经济学专业委员会主任委员;国际药物经济学会官方期刊《Value in Health》副主编;《中国药物经济学》杂志主编;《International Journal of Applied Economics》杂志编委;以及《中国卫生经济》杂志特邀编委等职。刘国恩教授的主要研究方向为健康与发展经济学,医疗体制改革,以及医药经济学。他目前承担了包括国家发改委、国务院城镇居民医疗保险专家组、国家自然科学基金,美国国家卫生研究院,联合国儿基会,世界银行,以及美国中华医学基金会等直接立项资助的重大课题。
Recent publications (2006-2011)
1.Pan Jay and Liu GG, “The determinants of Chinese provincial government health expenditures: evidence from 2002-2006 data,” Health Economics, 2011, forthcoming.
2. 刘国恩,蔡春光, 李林, “中国老人医疗保障与医疗服务需求的实证研究,”《经济研究》,2011,forthcoming.
3. 林莞娟,刘国恩等,“中国城镇居民基本医疗保险实施与评价,”《经济学报》,2010.
4. Qiu Y., Fu A, Liu GG., and Christensen D., “Healthcare Costs of Atypical Antipsychotic Use for Patients with Bipolar Disorder in a Medicaid Program,” Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2010,8(3):167-177.
5. Liu GG., Zhang SF ,and Zhang ZY., Investing in Human Capital for Economic Development in China, published by World Scientific, 2010.
6. Liu GG., Fukuda T., Lee CE. et al., “Evidenced-based Decision Making on Medical Technologies in China, Japan, and Singapore,” Value in Health, 2009, 12(3): S12 - S17.
7. 刘国恩, “全民医疗保障与保民生促增长,” 《理论前沿》, 2009, 16: 5-8.
8. Liu GG., Li L., Hou X. et al., “The role of for-profit hospitals in medical expenditures: evidence from aggregate data in China,” China Economic Review, 2009, 20: 625-633.
9. Lin W., Liu GG., and Chen G., “The Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance: a landmark reform towards universal coverage in China,” Health Economics, 2009, 18:S83-S96.
10. Liu GG., “Beijing’s perspective: the internal debate on health care reform,” published by the Center for Strategy and International Studies (CSIS), Washington DC., 2009.
11. 刘国恩,唐燕,刘立藏,“城镇职工医疗保险政策研究:个人账户与医疗支出,”《财经科学》,2009.
12. 刘国恩,唐婷婷,刘立藏,“医疗保险个人账户对医疗支出的影响:基于镇江医保数据的面板分析,”《中国卫生经济》,2009.
13. Qiu Y, Christensenb D, Fu AZ, and Liu GG., “Cost analysis in a Medicaid program for patients with bipolar disorder who initiated atypical antipsychotic monotherapy,” Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2009, 25(2): 351–361.
14. 李林,刘国恩,“我国营利性医院发展与医疗费用研究,”《管理世界》,2008, 10: 53-63.
15. Liu GG., Eggleston K., and Hu TW., “Emerging health economics and outcomes research in Asian Pacific Region,” Value in Health, 2008,11.
16. Liu GG., Dow W., Fu AZ., Akin J., and Lance P., “Income productivity in China: on the role of health,” Journal of Health Economics, 2008, 22: 22-44.
17. Sun SX, Liu GG, Christensen DB, Fu AZ., "Review and analysis of hospitalization costs associated with antipsychotic nonadherence in the treatment of schizophrenia in the United States," Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2007, 23(10): 2305-2312.
18. Liu GG., Sun X., Christensen D, and Zhao Z., "Cost analysis of schizophrenia treatment with second-generation antipsychotic medications in North Carolina's Medicaid program," Journal of American Pharmaceutical Association, 2007 Jan-Feb; 47(1):77-81.
19. Fu AZ, Jiang JZ, Reeves JH, Fincham JE, Liu GG , Perri M III., "Potentially inappropriate medication use and healthcare expenditures in the US community-dwelling elderly," Medical Care, 2007 May, 45(5):472-476 .
20. Fu ZH., Liu GG et al., "Effect of Second-Generation Antidepressants on Mania- and Depression-Related Visits in Adults with Bipolar Disorder: A Retrospective Study," Value in Health, 2007, 10(2).
21. 刘国恩等,"北京住院患者药品不良反应直接经济成本研究",《中国药物经济学》,2007, (2)
22. Fu AZ., Dow W., and Liu GG., "Propensity score and difference-in-difference methods: a study of second-generation antidepressant use in patients with bipolar disorder," Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 2007, Jun; 7(1-2): 23-38.
23. Liu GG. and Zhao Z., "Urban health insurance reform in China and the impact on out-of-pocket payment," International J of Health Planning and Management, 2006, 21:1-19.
24. Fu AZ., Christensen D., Hansen R., and Liu GG., "Second-generation antidepressant discontinuation and depressive relapse in adult patients with bipolar depression: results of a retrospective database analysis," Clinical Therapeutics, 2006, 28(6): 979-989.
25. 吴晶,刘国恩,"成本-效果可接受曲线:不确定状态下的决策方法",《中国药物经济学》, 2006,( 3 )
26. 刘国恩,董朝晖,孟庆勋,阎丽静,"医疗保险个人账户的功能和影响",《中国卫生经济》,2006 ,25 (2 ): 61 -64
27. 吴晶,李洪超,阎丽静,刘国恩,"终末期肾脏病透析治疗产出研究综述",《中国卫生经济》, 2006,25 (3 ):74 -78
28. 徐巍巍, 刘国恩, " 中国城镇职工医疗保险个人帐户对公平性的影响: 基于镇江试点改革的研究," 《世界经济文汇》,2006 (1): 67-74.