信息經濟學,信息系统及政策的法律与經濟學, 實驗方法學,应用微观经济学。
Benjamin Chiao, Josh Lerner, and Jean Tirole, "The Rules of Standard Setting Organizations: An Empirical Study". RAND Journal of Economics, Winter 2007. (Earlier versions appeared in: Harvard Negotiation, Organizations and Markets (NOM) Research Paper No 05-05. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No 11156.) Benjamin Chiao (Editor) (2009). The Great Firewall of China: The Law and Economics of Internet Censorship or 中国防火长城--互联网审查的法律经济学 (in Chinese). Forthcoming China Economic Publishing House (中国经济出版社). Accepted into the All China Economics International Conference (Dec 2009, Hong Kong). Download: http://benjaminchiao.org/papers/gfw/gfw_short.pdf