产业组织、战略管理、国际商务、 竞争政策
Journal articles
1. Revenue Sharing and Control Rights in Term Production: Theories and Evidence from Joint Ventures, with Chong-en Bai and Zhigang Tao, Rand Journal of Economics, June 2004.
2. The Colour of the Cats: Reform Strategy of State-Owned Enterprises, with David Li, Economic and Social Review, Dublin, 33 (1), Spring, 2002.
3. Determinants of Performance of Foreign Invested Enterprises in China, with Leonard Cheng, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol.29, 347-365, 2001.
4. Competition and Competition Policy, with Leonard K. Cheng, Pacific Economic Review, 5(2), 279-290, 2000.
5. Cooperative R&D and the Value of the Firm, with John Wei, Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 13(4), 425-446, 1998.
6. On the Organization of Cooperative Research and Development: Theory and Evidence, with Zhigang Tao, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 15(4), 573-596, 1997.
7. Innovation, Patenting and International Competitiveness: Some Empirical Evidence from China, Seoul Journal of Economics, vol. 8 (2), 231-250, 1995.
8. Profitability and Economic Efficiency of the State-Owned Enterprises, Reform, (in Chinese) 1995
9. Enterprise Groups in China's Industries, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, Vol.7, No.2, 123-136, 1990.
1. Competition Policy and Regulation of Business, with Leonard K. Cheng, Hong Kong: the City University of Hong Kong Press, 1998.
2. Strategic Aspects of Oligopolistic Vertical Integration, in Studies in Mathematical and Managerial Economics series, vol. 36, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1992.
Contributions to Books and Book Chapters
1. Economic Growth and Productivity around GATT/WTO Accession: Evidence from the World, 1960-89, with David Li, in National Bureau of Economic Research: East Asia Seminar on Economics series Volume 13, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Rose, The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
2. Development of Foreign Direct Investment and Evolution of Industrial Structure: Case of Hong Kong, with Larry Qiu, IDE-JETRO, Japan, 2002
3. Reforming China’s Enterprises: Diversifying Ownership versus Improving Management, in Enterprises Management in the People’s Republic of China, ed. By Anne Tsui, Kluwer Publishing, 2002.
4. Comments on Chen Chien-Hsun and Shih Hui-Tzu “Initial Public Offering and Corporate Governance in China's Transitional Economy”, in Privatization, Corporate Governance and Transition Economies, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research: East Asia Seminar on Economics series Volume 12, Forthcoming from The University of Chicago Press, 2003.
5. Evolution of the Patent System and Innovation in China, in “Science and Technology Indicators and their Policy Application: The Chinese and Australian Experience, Australia, 2001.
6. Hong Kong’s Business Regulation in Transition, with Leonard K. Cheng, in Deregulation and Interdependence, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. East Asia Series on Economics, volume 8, the University of Chicago Press, 2000.
7. Comments on Hirotaka Yanauchi's "Toward a More Liberal Sky in Japan: An Evaluation of Policy Change" in Deregulation and Interdependence, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. East Asia Series on Economics, volume 8, the University of Chicago Press, 2000.
8. Research Joint Venture Cartels and Welfare, with Raymond De Bondt, in Competition, Cooperation, Research and Development: The Economics of Research Joint Ventures, ed. by J. Poyago-Theotoky, London: MacMillan Press Ltd., 1997.
9. Hong Kong and Greater China: An Economic Perspective, in Hong Kong under Chinese Rule: The Economic and Political Implications of Reversion, ed. by Warren I. Cohen and Li Zhao, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
10. Conglomeration of China's Enterprises, in Megatrend in China, (in Chinese), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 1997.
11. Game Theory and Competitive Strategy, in New Developments in Economics, (in Chinese), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 1993.
中国企业的集团化,载于 《中国大趋势》,香港商务印书馆,1997年