张志勇 |
张志勇 博士 副教授 副所长 Email zyzhang@pku.edu.cn 所属实验室纳米器件物理与化学教育部重点实验室 研究方向:碳纳米管/石墨烯纳米电子器件和集成电路 项目奖励 2010年1月-2011年12月,北京大学“中央高校基本业务费”资助项目“基于石墨烯的太赫兹器件和电路研究”,负责人 2011年1月-2013年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于碳纳米管的高性能CMOS器件和集成电路研究,项目号:61071013,负责人 2011年1月-2015年12月,科技部重大研究计划纳米专项:碳基无掺杂纳电子器件和集成电路,第一课题“高性能碳基CMOS器件和集成电路”,课题号:2011CB933001,课题负责人。 获得第二届SCOPUS寻找青年科学之星材料领域(含纳米科学)成长奖 论文专著 1. H. L. Xu, Z. Y. Zhang*, L.-M. Peng, Measurements and Microscopic model of Quantum Capacitance in Graphene, Applied Physics Letter. 2011, in press. 2. H. L. Xu, Z. Y. Zhang*, Z. X. Wang, S. Wang, X. L. Liang, L.-M. Peng, Quantum Capacitance Limited Vertical Scaling of Graphene Field Effect Transistor. ACS Nano, 2011, ASAP 3. T. Pei, Z Y Zhang*, Z. X. Wang, L. Ding, S. Wang, L.-M. Peng, Temperature Performance of Doping-free CNT FETs: Potential for Low- and High-temperature Electronics, Adv. Func. Mater. 2011.In press. 4. L. Ding, Z. X. Wang, T. Pei, Z Y Zhang*, S. Wang, Huilong Xu, F. Peng, Y. Li, L.-M. Peng, A Self-aligned U-gate Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor with Extremely Small Parasitic Capacitance and Drain Induced Barrier Lowering, ACS nano, 2011. ASAP. 5. Z. X. Wang, L. Ding, T. Pei, Z Y Zhang*, S. Wang, T. Yu, X. F. Ye, F. Peng, Y. Li, L.-M. Peng, Large Signal Operation of Small Band-Gap Carbon Nanotube Based Ambipolar Transistor: A High-Performance Frequency Doubler, Nano Lett. 10,3648-3655 (2010). 6. Z. X. Wang, H. L. Xu, Z Y Zhang* , S. Wang, L. Ding, Q. S. Zeng, J. L. Yang, T. Pei, X. L. Liang, M. Gao, L.-M. Peng, Yttrium Oxide as a Perfect High-κ Gate Dielectric for Carbon-Based Electronics, NanoLett.10, 2024-2030 (2010) 7. Z. X. Wang, Z Y Zhang* ,H. L. Xu, S. Wang, L. Ding, L.-M. Peng, A high-performance top-gate graphene field-effect transistor based frequency doubler, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96,173104 (2010)(SCI&EI收录, IF=3.726). 8. Z Y Zhang*, S. Wang, Z. X. Wang, L. Ding, T. Pei, Z. D. Hu, X.L. Liang, Q. Chen, Y. Li, and L.-M. Peng, Almost Perfectly Symmetric SWCNT-based CMOS Devices and Scaling,ACS Nano,3,3781-3787,(2009) 9. X Y Huang, Z Y Zhang*, Y Liu, L M Peng, Analytical analysis of heat conduction in a suspended one-dimensional object, Applied Physical Letters, 95(14) 143109 (2009) 10. Z Y Zhang*, S. Wang, L. Ding, X.L. Liang, T. Pei, J. Shen, H. L. Xu, Q. Chen, R.L. Cui, Y. Li, and L.-M. Peng, Self-aligned ballistic n-type single walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with adjustable threshold voltage, Nano Letters 8 (11),3696(2008). 11. Z Y Zhang, S. Wang, L. Ding, X. L. Liang, H.L. Xu, J. Shen, Q. Chen, R.L. Cui and Y. Li, High-performance n-type carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with sub 10ps gate delay, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 133117(2008). 12. Z Y Zhang, X.L. Liang, S. Wang, K. Yao, Y.F. Hu, Y.Z. Zhu, Q. Chen, W.W. Zhou, Y. Li, Y.G. Yao, J. Zhang, and L.-M. Peng, Doping-free fabrication of carbon nanotube based ballistic CMOS devices and circuits, Nano Letters 7(12), 3603, (2007), 13. Z Y Zhang, K. Yao, Y. Liu, C.H. Jin, X.L. Liang, Q. Chen and L.-M. Peng, Quantitative analysis of current-voltage characteristics of semiconducting nanowries: decoupling of contact effects, Adv. Func. Mater. 17 (2007) 2478 14. Z Y Zhang, C.H.Jin, X.L.Liang, Q.Chen, and L.-M.Peng, Current-voltage characteristics and parameter retrieval of semiconducting nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2006) 073102 |