As nine-time recipients of the prestigious Omega Management Group’s annual NorthFace ScoreBoard Award for world-class excellence in customer satisfaction, AMO’s dedicated customer service and support teams are committed to providing quality service and expedited solutions to minimize your downtime and maximize your peace of mind. In addition to a personal relationship, our service teams offer the following features to better serve you: 雅培医疗光学有限公司的专用客户服务及支持团队九次获得著名的欧米加管理集团公司年度世界优秀客户满意大奖(NorthFace ScoreBoard Award),并致力于提供优质服务及快捷的解决方案以尽可能缩短故障时间及使您具有最高的平静感。除人际关系外,我公司的服务团队还具有以下服务特色以为您提供更好的服务: “Eye Pod”, AMO’s unique regional solution, allows our Customer Support representatives to provide you with individualized, yet efficient, service “Eye Pod”,雅培医疗光学有限公司独特的地区解决方案;我公司的客户支持代表可藉此向您提供个性高效服务。 Experienced, highly-trained, and annually recertified full-time Field Specialists equipped with tools and replacement parts inventory to resolve most issues in one visit 经验丰富,训练有素,每年经过再认证及配备有工具及更换部件的专职现场专家可一次性解决大多数问题。 A local network of Field Specialists familiar with you and your systems provide 24-hour support for service, even during after-hours emergencies 熟悉贵公司及系统的现场专家本地网络可提供全天候服务支持,即使是在办公时间后出现紧急情况的时候。 To provide you the security of support and maintenance coverage for your AMO cataract equipment, AMO offers flexible service plans that fit your business needs and budget. These plans provide the following services and benefits during your contract term: 为提供支持安全性及为贵公司的雅培医疗光学白内障设备提供维护服务,雅培医疗光学有限公司提供适合贵公司业务需求及预算的灵活的服务方案。这些方案在贵公司合同期间提供以下服务及效益: Predictable maintenance costs for more accurate service budgeting 为更精确地进行服务预算提供可预测的维护成本; Prioritized service for customers on service contracts 根据服务合同提供经优先程度排序的客户服务; Software updates and component retrofits for optimized performance 最优化性能所需的软件及组件更新; Service contract customers may be eligible for multiple system or multiple year discounts 服务合同客户有资格获得多种系统或多种年度折扣;