Evolution has changed our bodies and faces over thousands of years — and it’s still happening. 在过去数千年时间里,进化已经改变了人类的身体和面部,而如今进化过程仍在发生着。
Here’s how leading anatomical experts predict our descendants will differ physically from us in 1,000 years from now. 下面是主要的解剖学家对我们1000年后的后代的模样做出的预测,他们的长相会跟我们有一些不同,具体的特点呈现如下:
- We’ll be taller at 6-7ft because of improved nutrition and medical science. Osteopath Garry Trainer, from north London, says: “The average American is about one inch taller than in 1960.” 身材会变高:到那时人类的身高会达到6至7英尺(约1.83米至2.13米),这是因为人类营养条件的改善和医学的进步。来自伦敦北部的骨骼整形医生盖里-特瓦纳表示:“美国人的平均身高将会比1960年增长约1英寸。”
- Our intestines will get shorter so we don’t absorb as much fat and sugar — a natural way of avoiding obesity, says dentist Dr Philip Stemmer. 肠子会变短:我们身体内的肠子会变得更短,这样我们就不会吸收太多的脂肪和糖份。牙医菲利普-斯坦默博士表示,这也是避免肥胖的一种自然方式。
- If male fertility declines further, there will be smaller testicles. 男性生殖器官变小:如果男性的生殖能力进一步下降,那么他们的睾丸将会变得更小。
- Our most used extremities will change dramatically. Arms and fingers get longer to reduce the need to reach too far and nerve endings in hands and fingers will increase because of the greater use of devices such as iPhones that need complex eye-hand coordination. 胳膊和手指变长:人类最常用的四肢将会发生巨大的变化。胳膊和手指会变长,以便减少伸长手臂的次数。手及手指上的神经末梢将会增加,这是由于iPhone等电子设备的大量使用需要复杂的眼手协调能力。
- We’ll have smaller brains, maybe because so much memorising and thinking is done by our computers. “Science fiction images show humans of the future with huge brains but big brains are not necessarily the best,” says Chris Stringer, from the Natural History Museum. 大脑会变小:人类的大脑会变小,这是因为大部分的记忆和思考工作都有电脑代替完成。来自美国国家自然历史博物馆的克里斯-斯汀格表示:“在科幻小说中有场景描述未来人类拥有巨脑,但其实脑袋大并不意味着最好。”
- There will be large eyes to compensate for smaller mouths. Cary Cooper, of Lancaster University, explains: “Communication will rely on facial expressions and eye movements.” 眼睛变大嘴变小:到那时人类的眼睛会变大,来弥补变小的嘴巴。英国莱切斯特大学的克莱-库珀解释说:“人类的交流将主要依靠面部表情和眼部运动。
- Dentist Dr Stemmer also thinks there could be fewer teeth as softer food needs less chewing and biting. He says: “We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future, which could mean less teeth and receded jaws.” 牙齿会变少:牙医斯坦默博士还认为人类的牙齿会变少,因为食物变得更软,所以不需要过多的咀嚼和咬。他说道:“在未来人类所需的营养甚至可以通过流食或药剂的方式获得,这意味着牙齿会减少,而且人类的下颌也将退化。
- Expect people to have quadruple chins. “Our bodies were designed for eating less and using more energy than a modern lifestyle requires,” says Rajiv Grover, a consultant plastic surgeon. 四下巴:预计未来人类会有比双下巴还夸张的“四下巴”。整形手术顾问拉杰夫-格罗夫表示:“与现代生活方式相比,未来人类的身材会更符合吃得少能量多消耗的生活。”
We can expect other dramatic changes too. 还会出现其他一些戏剧性变化:
- Everyone will have the same shape of noses because climate is having less influence on broad or narrow hooters thanks to air conditioning and central heating. 鼻子都一样:1000年后每个人的鼻子将会长得一样由于空调和集中供暖系统的广泛使用,天气变化不管是对宽鼻子还是窄鼻子影响都会很小。
- Central heating and warm clothing means we’ll be less hairy but there’ll be more wrinkles as a result of peering at our electronic devices. 皱纹更多:集中供暖系统和保暖衣物也就意味着人类的毛发会减少,但皱纹会更多,这是因为电子设备看得太多的缘故。
We could end up with saggy turkey necks too because extra sun will cause loose skin and baggy eyelids. And there will be darker skin as people move around the planet and races mix. 另外,我们的颈部会下垂,看起来就像火鸡一样。因为吸收太多的太阳光将会导致人类的皮肤松弛、眼皮松垂。由于地球上越来越多不同种族的人结合到一起,人类皮肤颜色会变得更暗。