Campaigners for the English language last week attacked a growing tendency for "obvious" public information posters, such as a police sign urging people: "Don't Commit Crime."
Other examples highlighted by the Plain English Campaign--which fights for the effective use of English--include "Warning: Platform ends here" on the end of rail station platforms, and "May cause drowsiness" on sleeping pills.
"It's a phenomenon we have noticed in recent years--a kind of talking in a vacuum. There are so many examples," said a spokesman. "The 'best' one I have come across was a sign reading 'Caution: water on road during rain'."
"They assume a lack of intelligence on the part of the reader. 'Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel' is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying."
The Plain English Campaign cited other examples including: "May irritate eyes"--on a can of self-defense pepper spray; "Removing the wheel can influence the performance of the bicycle"--from a Dutch bicycle manual.
The campaigners added: "Our advice would be say what you need to plainly and simply then stop. If nothing needs to be said, say nothing."