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2.1.2 Inflation & Interest Rate 通货膨胀率和利率
Brazil’s past high inflation period has ended thanks to sound governance. Projected economic growth has provided stability to an economy that experienced hyperinflation up until the early 1990s. Since 2007, inflation remained between 3% and 7%, while interest rates ranged between 8.75% and 13.00%. Since July 2011 Banco Central do Brasil, Brazil’s Central Bank, lowered the benchmark rate 3 times for a total of 150 basis points. Current inflation is approximately 6% while the benchmark interest rate is approximately 11%.
巴西以前曾经历严重通货膨胀时期,后来在成熟的治理之下通货膨胀已经结束。预期经济增长给这一曾经历恶性通货膨胀直至20世纪90年代初才结束的经济体带来了稳定。自2007年,巴西通货膨胀率保持在3%到7%之间,而利率则维持在8.75%到13.00%之间。自2011年7月,巴西中央银行(Banco Central do Brasil)三次降低基准利率,总共调低150个基点。当前的通货膨胀率大约是6%,而基准利率大约是11%。
Interest Rate: Declining Trend with Inflation at Low Levels
基准利率                       通货膨胀率
Source: Brazilian Central Bank.
As a result of these positive developments, investor confidence improved significantly. Shortly after becoming a net foreign creditor in early 2008, Standard & Poor’s and other major credit rating agencies rated the country investment-grade.

2.1.3 Currency
2.1.3 货币
Over the last 10 years, the BRL / USD exchange rate fluctuated between BRL 1.53 to BRL 3.95 with an average rate of BRL 2.27 / USD. Currently, the Brazilian Real is relatively strong at approximately BRL 1.72 / USD with a strengthening trend.
Brazilian Real per US Dollar (1)
Source: Factset.
(1)   From 14 February 2002 to 14 February 2012. 
2.1.4 Demographics
2.1.4 人口统计学特征
Brazil is the largest country in South America and the 5th largest in the world by geographic area and by population. With a total area greater than 8.5 MM km2, it’s smaller than Russia, Canada, China and United States, but larger than Australia. There are more than 192 MM inhabitants in Brazil, fewer only than China, India, United States and Indonesia.
Approximately 85% of the population lives in urban areas with a heavy concentration in the Southeast (80 MM inhabitants) and Northeast (54 MM inhabitants). The two most extensive regions, the Central-West and North, comprise more than 64% of the territory, yet have only 29 MM inhabitants. In order to promote regional development, the government provides economic incentives, such as tax holidays, to investments in these areas.
The population of S?o Paulo's metropolitan area is approximately 20 MM people and Rio de Janeiro is approximately 13 MM. Including S?o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has 9 cities with a metropolitan population greater than 3 MM inhabitants:  Belo Horizonte (MG), Porto Alegre (RS), Salvador (BA), Recife (PE), Fortaleza (CE), Brasília (DF) and Curitiba (PR).
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