Translation from Spanish and Portuguese to English with specialization in medicine, public health, veterinary health, agriculture, environmental conservation, and linguistics. MT postediting.
25 years' experience as staff translator/reviser/editor for international organizations (OAS, then PAHO/WHO), working from Spanish and Portuguese into English (fully bilingual in Brazilian Portuguese); 15 additional years as freelance. More than 75% of work has been in medicine and public health. Freelance clients have included PAHO/WHO, OAS, ECLAC, Conservational International. Extensive experience as conference translator, reviser, and précis-writer.
Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University with emphasis on discourse analysis, translation theory, and Romance linguistics. Authored over 100 articles (many peer-reviewed) on translation theory, functional linguistics, MT; also wrote 200-page style manual for PAHO. Taught translation at Georgetown Univ. for 7 years. |