第三章 旅行社经营Chapter 3 Operation of Travel Agency
第十七条 旅行社应当按照核定的经营范围开展经营活动。Article 17 Travel agency shall conduct business activities according to the authorized scope of business.
旅行社在经营活动中应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守商业道德。Travel agency shall follow the principle of free will, equality, fairness and honesty during business activities and abide by commercial ethics.
第十八条 旅行社不得采用下列不正当手段从事旅游业务,损害竞争对手:Article 18 Travel agency shall not be engaged in tourism business by means of improper methods and damaging competitors:
(一)假冒其他旅行社的注册商标;(1) Counterfeit the registered trademark of other travel agencies;
(二)擅自使用其他旅行社的名称;(2) Use names of other travel agencies without authorization;
(三)诋毁其他旅行社的名誉;(3) Slandering reputation of other travel agencies;
(四)委托非旅行社的单位和个人代理经营旅游业务;(4) Entrust unit or individual that are not travel agency to be engaged in tourism business;
(五)扰乱旅游市场秩序的其他行为。(5) Other behaviors disturbing tourism market order
第十九条 旅行社与其聘用的经营人员,应当签订书面合同,约定双方的权利、义务。Article 19 Travel agency and the business personnel it recruits shall sign written contract to provide for the rights and obligations of the two parties.
华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关旅游市场秩序的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about tourism market order.
经营人员未经旅行社同意,不得披露、使用或者允许他人使用其所掌握的旅行社商业秘密。Business personnel shall not disclose, use or allow others to use the commercial secrets of the travel agency they have known without authorization of the travel agency.
第二十条 旅行社应当维护旅游者的合法权益。Article 20 Travel agency shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the tourists.
旅行社向旅游者提供的旅游服务信息必须真实可靠,不得作虚假宣传。The travel agency shall provide rue and reliable information on tourism service to the tourists, and shall not conduct false publicity.
第二十一条 旅行社组织旅游,应当为旅游者办理旅游意外保险,并保证所提供的服务符合保障旅游者人身、财物安全的要求;对可能危及旅游者人身、财物安全的事宜,应当向旅游者做出真实的说明和明确的警示,并采取防止危害发生的措施。Article 21 Travel agency shall buy tourism accident insurance for tourists when organizing tourism activities, and guarantee service provided by itself shall be consistent with requirements for guaranteeing personal and property safety of the tourists, and shall give true account and definite warning for the issues that may endanger personal and property safety of the tourists, and shall take measures for preventing damage.
第二十二条 旅行社对旅游者提供的旅行服务项目,按照国家规定收费;旅行中增加服务项目需要加收费用的,应当事先征得旅游者的同意。Article 22 The tourism service items provided by the travel agency to the tourists shall charge fees according to state rules. In case the travel agency intends to charge additional fees for the service items added during travel, the travel agency shall seek the consent of the tourists beforehand.
旅行社提供有偿服务,应当按照国家有关规定向旅游者出具服务单据。Compensated service provided by the travel agency shall issue service bills to the tourists according to relevant state rules.
第二十三条 因下列情形之一,给旅游者造成损失的,旅游者有权向旅游行政管理部门投诉:Article 23 In case of losses incurred to the tourists due to any of the following circumstances, tourists shall be entitled to appeal to tourism administration department:
(一)旅行社因自身过错未达到合同约定的服务质量标准的;(1) Travel agency fails to reach the service quality standard provided for in the contract due to its own fault.
(二)旅行社服务未达到国家标准或者行业标准的;(2) The service of the travel agency fails to reach state standard or industrial standard.
(三)旅行社破产造成旅游者预交旅行费损失的。(3) Loss of the travel expenses prepaid by the tourists due to bankruptcy of the travel agency.
旅游行政管理部门受理旅游者的投诉,应当依照本条例的规定处理。Tourism administration department shall handle the complaints of the tourists according to the provisions in the “Rules”.