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第二十四条 旅行社为接待旅游者聘用的导游和为组织旅游者出境旅游聘用的领队,应当持有省、自治区、直辖市以上人民政府旅游行政管理部门颁发的资格证书。Article 24 Guides recruited by the travel agency for receiving tourists and tour leaders recruited for organizing exit tourism for tourists shall have qualification certificates issued by tourism administration department of the people’s government above the level of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under central government.
第二十五条 旅行社组织旅游者出境旅游,应当选择有关国家和地区的依法设立的、信誉良好的旅行社,并与之签订书面协议后,方可委托其承担接待工作。Article 25 Travel agency shall select travel agencies legally established with good reputation in relevant countries or regions in case of organizing tourists for exit tourism, and shall not entrust them to undertake reception work unless it signs written agreement with them.
因境外旅行社违约,使旅游者权益受到损害的,组织出境旅游的境内旅行社应当承担赔偿责任,然后再向违约的境外旅行社追偿。In case the rights and interests of the tourists are damaged due to breach of contract on the part of the overseas travel agency, the domestic travel agency organizing such exit tourism shall undertake responsibility for making compensation, and shall recourse losses to the defaulting overseas travel agency.
第二十六条 旅行社招徕、接待旅游者,应当制作完整记录,保存有关文件、资料,以备旅游行政管理部门核查。Article 26 Travel agency shall make complete record of tourists it has solicited and received and maintain relevant documents and data for examination by tourism administration management department

第四章 外商投资旅行社的特别规定Chapter 4 Special Regulations on Foreign-Funded Travel Agency
第二十七条 外商投资旅行社适用本章规定;本章没有规定的,适用本条例其他有关规定。Article 27 The provisions of the “Rules” are subject to foreign-funded travel agency. And the other relevant provisions of the “Rules” are applicable in case of no provision in the chapter.
华译网北京翻译公司翻译过大量有关外商投资旅行社的文件资料,Beijing Chinese Translation Service Company has translated many technical documents about Foreign-Funded Travel Agency.

前款所称外商投资旅行社,包括外国旅游经营者同中国投资者依法共同投资设立的中外合资经营旅行社和中外合作经营旅行社。The foreign-funded travel agency termed in the aforesaid provision includes Sino-foreign joint venture travel agency and Sino-foreign cooperative travel agency jointly funded and established by foreign tourism operators and Chinese investors.
第二十八条 中外合资经营旅行社的注册资本最低限额为人民币400万元。中外合资经营旅行社的注册资本最低限额可以进行调整,调整期限由国务院旅游行政主管部门会同国务院对外经济贸易主管部门确定。Article 28 The minimum registered capital of the Sino-foreign joint venture travel agency is RMB 4 million yuan, which may be adjusted. And the adjustment period shall be determined by tourism administration department of the State Council and department in charge of foreign economic and trade of the State Council.
中外合资经营旅行社各方投资者的出资比例,由国务院旅游行政主管部门会同国务院对外经济贸易主管部门按照有关规定确定。The proportions of contribution of various investors of Sino-foreign joint venture travel agency shall be determined by tourism administration department of the State Council and the competent foreign economic and trade department of the State Council according to relevant provisions.
中外合作经营旅行社的注册资本最低限额、各方出资比例,比照适用本条第一款、第二款的规定。The minimum registered capital and proportions of contribution of various parties shall be subject to provisions in item 1 and 2 of the article.
第二十九条 外商投资旅行社的中国投资者应当符合下列条件:Article 29 Chinese investors of the foreign-funded travel agency shall be consistent with the following conditions:
    (一)是依法设立的公司;(1) Company legally established in China
    (二)最近3年无违法或者重大违规记录;(2) Without record of violation of law or serious violation of rules in recent 3 years
    (三)符合国务院旅游行政主管部门规定的审慎的和特定行业的要求。(3)  Consistent with the deliberate requirements and those for special industry provided for by tourism administrative department of the State Council.

第三十条 外商投资旅行社的外国旅游经营者应当符合下列条件:Article 30 Foreign tourism operators of foreign-funded travel agency shall be consistent with the following conditions:
    (一)是旅行社或者主要从事旅游经营业务的企业;(1) Travel agency or enterprise mainly engaged in tourism businesses
    (二)年旅游经营总额4000万美元以上;(2) Annual total tourism volume over 40 million USD.
    (三)是本国旅游行业协会的会员。(3) Member of the domestic tourism association.

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