Work Experience
2009 /4--2010 /12:Beijing XXX Navigation Co., Ltd(150-500 people) [ 1 year and 8month] Industry: Telecom Operators/Service Providers BD Equipment Undertaking Dept quality management and project management expert 1、responsibility for quality management of the department. 2、involved in the company quality management system planning, establishment, implementation and continuous improvement. 3、for each division, subsidiary, in project management field to provide counseling, recommendations for improvement. 4、For important projects, to strengthen the daily tracking and monitoring, standardize project implementation process, the accumulation of data to carry out the project, advancing the project management in the quantitative management. Achievements: Based on the company's quality management system,consider the organizational structure for the division and business model characteristics, to plan the operational process documents of the Division, and organize and guide training and implementation of the process, to enhance the management standardization of R & D and Product Quality; to plan, workout, train, implement of project management process; accumulation of data to carry out the project management and advance to the quantitative management direction.
2004 /1--2008 /4:Datang mobile communication equipment Co., Ltd [ 4 year and 3month] Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment R&D、Planning management Department Product Quality Manager 1、As leader of Quality Management Group of R&D, take charge of planning quality management of R&D, establish、implement and improve development and test process of R&D. 2、Take charge of planning quality management of product line. 3、As product quality manager of two important products(team members is almost 100, development cycle is almost 2 years); research some approaches and tools of SPC、quality management、project management、configuration management、requirement management, etc, and apply them into product management. 4、As a member of workgroup,participate in the work to establish quality management system of Datang mobile.IPD、CMMI V1.2 and ISO9001(2000)are integrated to form the quality management system of Datang mobile. 5、As a member of EPG(Engineering Process Group),participate in the work to establish CMMI3 process improvement system of Datang mobile,take charge of Requirement Management、Product Integration、Verification、Validation、Measurement and Analysis process area.ect. 6、As a auditor,participate in some audits about supply chain management、development management. 7、Take part in establishing training system about quality management.
1994 /7--2000 /8:8357 Research Institute of third Institute of China Aerospace Science Industry corporation (CASIC) [ 6 year and 1month] Industry: Science/Research Military Product Research Department Software Engineer Participate in software development、test and delivery of some missile control systems. Development Language: C and Assembly language
Project Experience
2009 /8--2010 /12:Army weapons and equipment research project Project Description: Army weapons and equipment research project Responsibility: To provide management guidance and support for the project team. 2004 /5--2005 /7:develop base station product Project Description: Develop new base station product, team member>100, development cycle>2 years. The product includes software、hardware、testing、manufacture、logistics, etc, is complex. Product management is difficult. Responsibility: As project management manager and product quality manager, take charge of project management、quality control、coordination、training of quality management.
1994 /7--2000 /8:develop missile control system(series product) Software Environment: DOS Hardware Environment: IBM 386/486 Development Tools: C and Assemble language Project Description: Develop missile control system, provide missile launch system. Responsibility: Develop and test I/O and user interface; Participate in field testing and delivery of some missile control systems.
Education 2004 /2--2006 /6 Beihang University software college Software Engineering Master engineering mathematics、English、requirement engineering、software project management、software metrics、software process improvement、software quality management、PSP、TSP...
1990 /9--1994 /7 Harbin Institute of Technology Computer Science And Technology Bachelor Bachelor of Computer in Software, Harbin Institute of Technology in 1994
Training 2010 /6--2010 /6: XQC ISO9000 & GJB9001(2008) ISO9000 & GJB9001(2008)certificate 2010 /3--2010 /6: Aura International Education Group PMP Guide PMP Certification 2004 /12--2004 /12: Shenzhen SiJieDa management and consultation Co., Ltd IPD IPD certificate