南非土木工程施工标准 CC1部分:混凝土结构工程 英文原文节选 20100079 2-3 | Placing of concrete in an element that is supported shall not be commenced until the concrete previously placed in supporting elements (columns, walls or beams) is no longer plastic and has been in place for at least 2 h. When elements that are supported and supporting elements are placed in one operation, the concrete in the vicinity of the junction between these elements shall be revibrated shortly before it sets. NOTE This procedure is necessary to eliminate defects such as cracks caused by the settlement of solids in the fresh concrete. This is also relevant for horizontal reinforcement in deep sections and in slabs. Unless otherwise specified in the specification data, the entire thickness of a bridge deck shall be placed in one pass so as to avoid the layering of concrete. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been in position for more than 30 min unless a construction joint has been formed or unless a retarding additive has been used in the concrete. In plain concrete with a thickness of not less than 300 mm, plums may, if permitted in terms of the specification data, be included to displace concrete for up to 20 % of the total volume, provided that a) the plums are spread evenly throughout the concrete; b) no plum laid shall have a dimension that exceeds one-third of the smallest dimension of the concrete in any plane; and c) each plum is surrounded by at least 75 mm of concrete. When closed circuits are being concreted, work shall commence at one or more points in the circuit and proceed in opposite directions at the same time so that, on completion of the circuit, the junction or junctions are formed with freshly placed concrete. Concrete shall not be placed under water unless permitted in terms of the specification data. No concrete shall be placed in flowing water. When the placing of concrete under water is permitted, it shall be placed by means of a tremie. During placing, the lower end of the tremie shall be continuously immersed in the concrete being deposited so that the fresh concrete enters the mass of previously placed concrete from within, causing water to be displaced with minimum disturbance at the surface of the concrete. To maintain the desired properties of the concrete, the quantity of cementitious binder in the concrete mix shall be increased by 20 %. During and after concreting under water, pumping or dewatering operations in the immediate vicinity shall be suspended should there be any danger that such operations will interfere with the freshly placed concrete before it has set and gained sufficient strength. Concrete may be placed by pumping if so permitted in terms of the specification data. No-fines concrete shall be placed in its final position within 15 min of mixing. Where sliding formwork is used, the following additional requirements shall apply: a) All necessary measures to ensure the continuity of operations shall be taken, including the provision of all the necessary lighting and standby equipment for mixing, hoisting, placing and compacting and the availability of all the materials on site required for completing each structure before casting commences. b) Concrete shall be cast in uniform layers in the formwork so that the level of the top surface of the concrete differs by no more than 250 mm between any two points in the formwork. In addition, the top level of the concrete shall not be so low down in the formwork as to cause structural instability in the formwork. The working platform shall be kept clean and no concrete which has dried out in part shall be swept into the formwork. SANS 2001-CC1:2007 Edition 1 31 c) The concrete shall be compacted during and immediately after placing. Care shall be taken not to damage or disturb previously placed concrete. To ensure the proper bonding of successive layers, not more than 1 h shall elapse between the placing of successive layers except where a suitable retarding additive has been applied, in which case an appropriate delay is permissible. 4.7.11 Compaction The concrete shall be fully compacted by suitable means during and immediately after placing. It shall be thoroughly worked against the formwork and around reinforcement and other embedded items without displacing them, and into corners of formwork to form a solid void-free mass that has the required surface finish. NOTE Internal vibrators should be capable of operating at more than 10 000 cycles per minute and external vibrators at more than 3 000 cycles per minute. Sufficient standby vibrators should be kept available in case of breakdowns. The concrete shall be free from honeycombing and planes of weakness. Successive layers of the same lift shall be thoroughly worked together. To achieve this, the compaction tool shall penetrate through the new layer to the lower layer which shall still be sufficiently plastic to permit interknitting. Compaction shall be carried out by mechanical vibration or, if permitted in terms of the specification data, by spading, rodding or forking. The concrete shall not be over-vibrated, which results in segregation, surface laitance, or leakage, or any combination of these. NOTE Vibration should be applied continuously during the placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has virtually ceased. Immersion vibrators should be inserted vertically into the concrete to be compacted, at regular intervals that do not exceed 0,6 m or 10 times the diameter of the vibrator, whichever is the lesser. As soon as a water sheen is visible on the surface, the vibrator should be slowly withdrawn from the concrete, care being taken to avoid the formation of voids. Contact with reinforcement and formwork shall, as far as is practicable, be avoided when internal vibrators are used. When external vibrators are used, the design of formwork and the disposition of vibrators shall be such as to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid surface blemishes. No-fines concrete shall be worked sufficiently to ensure that it will completely fill the space to be concreted and that adjacent aggregate particles are in contact with one another. Excessive tamping shall be avoided and the no-fines concrete shall not, in any circumstances, be vibrated. The rate of concrete placing shall be commensurate with the available compaction equipment and only skilled operators shall undertake compaction by vibration. The number of vibrators used shall be compatible with the rate at which concrete is placed. Standby vibrators shall be made available. Concrete shall not be subjected to disturbance by vibration within 4 h to 24 h of it having been compacted. NOTE Special attention should be given to the compaction of concrete in the anchorage zones and behind the anchor plates, and in all places where high concentrations of reinforcing steel or cables occur.原件下载: