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GENERAL The regulation contained in Part €3 of the National Bullding Regulations shall be deemed to be satisfied where the structural design of any building complles with deemed-to-satisfy rules contained in the following provisions of this Part. STRUCTURAL DESIGN The design of the structural system of any building shall be carried out in accordance with SABS 0160 (for loads) and in accordance with one or more of the following codes of practice relating to the materials used in such building or in any element or component thereof: (a) SABS 0100 (for structural concrete) (b) SABS 0104 (for handrails) (c) SABS 0137 (for glazing) (d) SABS 0161 (for foundations) (e) SABS 0162 (for structural steel) (f) SABS 0163 (for structural timber) (9) SABS 0164 (for structural masonry) STRUCTURAL MATERIALS The material used in the construction of any structural element or component thereof shall be that specified or contemplated in - (a) the relevant SABS code of practice where such code has been used as (b) rules HH1, JJ1, KKI, LL1 or NN1 of SABS 0400, as the case may be; or (c) any document, other than a SABS code of practice contemplated in rule Provided that where the materials specified in such document are not available, other approved materials may be used if they have been shown to be sultable in relation to such document. a basis for the design; BB2, which has been used as a basis for the design: SABS 0400-1990 50 883.2 Where any structural material other than one covered by any code of practice contemplated in rule BB2 is used in any building, the design of such building and the structural elements and components thereof shall be in accordance with a safe method applicable to the structural use of such other material. B B4 BB4.1 BB4.2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Any rational design of a structural system shall be done or checked by a professional engineer or other approved competent person, and such person shall certify that such design complies with the requirements contained in regulation BI: Provided that nothing shall be construed as precluding the use of rule HHI, JJI, KKI, LLI, or "1, as the case may be, where the use of such rule is appropriate. Such person shall, by means of inspections carried out at such intervals as may be necessary in accordance with accepted professional practice, satisfy himself that the structure has been erected in accordance with the approved design and shall furnish to the local authority a certificate to this effect.Ô¼þÏÂÔØ£º