南非土木工程施工标准 C部分 尺寸 英文原文节选 20100079 3-4 |
The plan areas given are very small but this is necessary in the interests of providing affordable housing. In the case of certain types of self-help housing such as the “corehouse”, the first stage will, by definition be small, and will seldom consist of more than a single room plus toilet facilities. The fact that such a building would be regarded as a temporary building should ensure that it will eventually progress to something more reasonable in size. Since rule CC2.3 gives a minimum size for habitable rooms the number of rooms in a dwelling house will to some extent influence the overall area of the building. In this context the rules do not indicate whefher a habitable room must be of greater size than the minimum given if such a room is to be used for multiple purposes, but for practical if not legal reasons this obviously would be desirable. In the case of the temporary house consisting of one habitable room it is assumed that this will be used for eating, sleeping and cooking as well as being a general living room. 53 SABS 0400-1990 With the present tendency towards smaller sites it is likely that many more houses of a size much smaller than has been common in the past wiil be built. In considering the very small permanent building it must be remembered that size cannot be equated to quality and a small house will not therefore automatically detract from the value of surrounding larger houses. Figure l(a), (b) and [c) illustrates the measurement of the plan area of a room as referred to in subrule CC2.2. Figure 2 illustrates a room with a dividing wall, such room being regarded as a single room where the area of the wall E, F, G, C is less than 60 94 of the area of the plane I A, B, C, D. Figure 3 illustrates measurement of the ceiling height. This height would normaily be taken at level 2 in Figure 3 but if the sum of the pian areas of ribs A, B, C, D, E, F and G is greater than 30 % of the total area of the room, the ceiling height should be measured to level 1. The minimum height of level 1 must never be less than 2,l m .原件下载: